**UPDATE with pics (pg. 4)!!** Rhode Island Red, Hen or Roo? PICS!

I say Hen
Well everyone, I have my answer, and I hope it can help others to figure out what sex their RIR's are.

It would appear that we have a lovely HEN
As SHE layed this beauty yesterday...


I wanted to make sure it was her before I posted anything, but I saw her in the nest box this morning and she has been doing a hearty squat the last several days

Thank you all again for your help and opinions!
Congrats on the hen and the egg! That is the very reason I am waiting to be sure on some of mine....moving at least five roo's to the tractor this week. All RIR. Will be interesting to see how the atmosphere changes after that!
Wow! Thanks for that last pic of the RIR roo at 12-13 weeks. I am sure mine are all girls now. Woo hoo! Mine are at least 16-17 weeks and look nothing like that. Sweet! Thanks again!

You guys have been so helpful!

Yeah we knew we had a roo at about 8 weeks. He just was bigger, thicker legs, comb and wattles grew a lot more...there was no mistaking it. Of course, if you don't have a roo to compare to, it may be harder to decide. Mine were all supposed to be little girls, but Rudy snuck in there somehow. Now I am glad I have him. He is hilarious to watch! He keeps order among the hens, he does a little 'courtship' dance, he watches out for boogers, and will allow me to have chicks without me having to do all the work! Gotta love him!
**I actually think he was about 15 weeks in that pic, I miscounted! Sorry!
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congrats on your egg...i'm gald i was the first one to disagree with everyone....sometimes telling gender is like forecasting the weather..mother nature has to put a twist on things sometimes to keep you on your toes!!!! LOL!!!

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