Recent content by gachickenchick

  1. gachickenchick

    2 year old New Hampshire Red Hens...

    Thanks Love! I am thinking I may need to pass on this one....thank you so much for your advice!
  2. gachickenchick

    2 year old New Hampshire Red Hens...

    Thank you Love! The more I think about it....the more I wonder. Why would she sell good layers? Am I wrong in thinking $12.00 is a bit much? What if I get these hens and they don't lay much or like you said are not healthy.....thanks again for responding!
  3. gachickenchick

    Chickens were digging a hole, and laying on top of it. What is this? Was it nesting for egg laying?

    I don't know where you are located, but some chickens don't lay as much in the winter, especially if it's really cold! Maybe they are also getting used to their new environment....I wish the best of luck to you! Hopefully your girls will be blessing you with some yummy eggs very soon!
  4. gachickenchick

    Chickens were digging a hole, and laying on top of it. What is this? Was it nesting for egg laying?

    No, sorry - not in my case! They will find a spot that they like to bathe in regularly. This is a good thing and they need to do this to clean themselves. How old are your hens?
  5. gachickenchick

    Chickens were digging a hole, and laying on top of it. What is this? Was it nesting for egg laying?

    Hi there! It sounds like they may have been taking a dust bath! It looks a little strange when you see it for the first time. Were they digging and kicking the dirt into their feathers?
  6. gachickenchick

    2 year old New Hampshire Red Hens...

    So sadly I lost my last 2 hens that had just started laying to a predator coop attack! We got 9 eggs total! It took 36 weeks to get eggs..... I have ran across some New Hampshire Hens that are laying. I just called the lady and she said that they are about 2 years old. She wants $12.00...
  7. gachickenchick

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    One of our lovely Welsummers born in July FINALLY decided to gift us with this beautiful egg yesterday! What a gorgeous egg it was! Can't wait for more ladies!
  8. gachickenchick

    Give me pictures of your chickens and I'll try to sex them

    I have 2 RIRs I am positive that one is a roo the other has the same appearance but is a good bit smaller....they are approx 5.5 months old. Want to make sure both are roos because I am going to harvest them (first timer!). Thanks in advance! The 2nd and 4th pics are of the one I question.
  9. gachickenchick

    Hello from GA!

    Thanks BantamLover21 for your input! We are just trying to do the right thing....learning as we go!
  10. gachickenchick

    Hello from GA!

    Thanks Wyandottes7! I don't want this to happen to the hens! We have been on the fence about this and need to make this decision soon. Thank you for your input!
  11. gachickenchick

    Hello from GA!

    Thank you for the tips for re-homing these roosters Michael!
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