Recent content by galag

  1. galag

    What kind of chicken am I?

    pic#1 sweety pic#2 max (rooster) & sleepy (hen) pic#3 max pic#4 feisty Here are my amazing chickens! Only thing is, I don't have a clue about what type they are. The man we got them from assured us we had 4 hens and 1 rooster. We actually ended up with 2 and 2. Any help is greatly...
  2. galag

    What kind of eggs do these look like?

    Quote: LOL, ok thanks, I'll get pictures of them tonight and will post tomorrow.
  3. galag

    What kind of eggs do these look like?

    Sorry to be so ignorant, but does anyone know what type of eggs these may be? We have two roosters and two hens and I don't have a clue what they are.
  4. galag

    Pics of Eggs & What Breed Layed Them

    Quote: the color of the egg is a light beige color. Some of them have been a little darker beige. I honestly couldn't tell you what kind of chickens i have. We are so new to all of this. I'll try to take pictures of them tonight and will post them in the morning. It would be nice to actuallly...
  5. galag

    He finally did it

    Oh when our rooster first started, it sounded like he had been hit by a truck. It sounded awful. When he finally did start crowing right, I took a big deep breath. I'm new to the chicken scene and thought at first we had a bad rooster.
  6. galag

    Pics of Eggs & What Breed Layed Them

    Can someone help with this one?
  7. galag

    Hens laying on eggs??

    Quote: Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. I never thought in a million years I would have chickens, but once we got them, I don't see how we ever lived without them. They will sit on my leg and arm just like a house trained bird whenever I feed them. I just love it.
  8. galag

    purring chickens

    Quote: oh my goodness, i was sitting on the porch one day and i heard my rooster purring and the hen was doing something in the bushes. A little while later, we found she had laid an egg, our first one. I didn't put the two together, purring and egg laying, together until I read this.
  9. galag

    Hens laying on eggs??

    Quote: May I ask what broody means?
  10. galag

    Hens laying on eggs??

    JayBird+16 : This might seem like a stupid question, but do you have a Roo? and even if you do, they seem a little young to go broody, I wouldn't expect them to set until spring. pardon my ignorance, but I'm assuming a roo is a rooster, yes, we have 2 of them. We originally had four roosters...
  11. galag

    Hens laying on eggs??

    Oh thanks everyone. I am so new to all of this. I have been getting the eggs out because I didn't want them to spoil, specailly since the hen wasn't sitting on them. Once I see her sitting on them, I'll most definately leave them.
  12. galag

    Hens laying on eggs??

    I need help. Our hens have been laying eggs for about three weeks now and I never see them laying on them. We let them out when we get home and they have laid eggs, but we never see them sitting on them. Why aren't they and when will they start?
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