Recent content by garden chick

  1. garden chick

    Can multiple chickens lay in one nest box at once?

    Love the picture! Thanks everyone!
  2. garden chick

    Can multiple chickens lay in one nest box at once?

    I have my RIR hen who just started laying a few days ago, and now my EE is getting in with her this morning, is that normal? Thanks!! Jaime
  3. garden chick

    First Egg Countdown!!

    Wow its so big! What breed is she? My RIR has layed three so far and they are VERY small!
  4. garden chick

    First Egg Countdown!!

    our first unharmed egg! so exciting :)
  5. garden chick

    First Egg Countdown!!

    We got our first egg!!! It was crushed though! :( She layed it in the nesting box but there was no hay where she did it, so it was directly on wood. Hoping none of the chickens got a taste of it before I got to it! I dont want them eating the eggs!
  6. garden chick


    Thanks!!! I love your quotes. :) Blueberries are pretty cheap here, on sale for a dollar a basket this week. :) We don't get any mullberries here, that would be super cool!
  7. garden chick


    The girls got blueberries for the first time :)
  8. garden chick

    First Egg Countdown!!

    My RIR has been in the coop alone all morning, with all of my other girls pacing the run. Hopefully this means she is getting close!!! I am so excited. My daughter has been checking every hour, lol. So fun. Question: Can you eat the first egg? I thought I read somewhere that the first one may...
  9. garden chick

    First Egg Countdown!!

    My girls are 18 weeks today. I am also anxious for the first egg! Its really hot here so Im trying my best to keep the girls happy. :) I just noticed that on the last food run, my husband bought layer feed so they have been eating that for a few weeks, oh well. Hopefully it will be ok.
  10. garden chick

    RIR, do they have big combs or is my "hen" a rooster?!

    Thanks so much everyone! Appreciate you taking the time to answer.
  11. garden chick

    RIR, do they have big combs or is my "hen" a rooster?!

    Im a first timer, my Rhode Island Red looks like a rooster to me, but when I googled RIR hen pictures, they seem to have large combs so maybe she is a she indeed. :) Please help
  12. garden chick

    Need help from you experts, is this normal?

    This is our first time raising chickens so I am learning. I open the run in the morning and let the girls roam, and when it starts to get dark, they file themselves into the run, up the ladder and instead of going in the coop, they pile themselves on the door, roosting in the doorway. (We have...
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