Recent content by Ghenri

  1. Ghenri

    Emergency - Rescued baby pheasants not doing well

    Thanks for your advice! One of them died yesterday but the other one seems to be perking up with heat and a bit of water and food in a dropper. How often do they need to be fed with a dropper. (It contains high protein chick food mashed into a paste)
  2. Ghenri

    Emergency - Rescued baby pheasants not doing well

    We rescued 2 little baby pheasants yesterday and they are not doing too well now. They are sleeping all the time, very slow breathing. Right now they are on a heating pad and wrapped up to keep warm. They look to be maybe a week old. (or less) we have high protein chick starter for them but they...
  3. Ghenri

    Why are my chickens dying?

    Where would you find all this medication? And is it very expensive?
  4. Ghenri

    Why are my chickens dying?

    I got half of my chickens a year from last spring an the other half in last spring. They have no trouble eating and symptoms appear very quickly. Haven't noticed any diarrhea but they are huddled with puffed feathers. They have access to water. Does this help pin point what it may be?
  5. Ghenri

    Why are my chickens dying?

    As of now I have lost 5 chickens all in the same way and I can't figure out why! The night before they seem sleepy and slow and they find it hard to jump up the step into the coop, I end up having to pick then up and put them in. Today 2 of them where all huddled up with they're eyes closed and...
  6. Ghenri

    Mixing broody hen and older chicks?

    Hello! I have a cranky old broody hen on my hands. With no rooster there is no way for her to get what she wants naturally. She seems like she is in a lot of pain so I want to help her get over it. I have chicks that I got at the end of May (it being September 2nd now) so they are not little and...
  7. Ghenri

    Chicken seems egg bound and in a lot of pain

    Can you have a broody hen without having a rooster?
  8. Ghenri

    Chicken seems egg bound and in a lot of pain

    Hi, my hen has had egg bound like symptoms for the past couple of days. Yesterday she stayed in the coop all day and when you try to touch her she puffs up and cries out. The weird thing is, if you pick her up and put her outside she will walk around almost like normal, she are this morning...
  9. Ghenri

    Integrating birds

    Thank you so much! That was so helpful. I can't stand the sight of my birds fighting with each other, but hopefully it won't be too bad.:)
  10. Ghenri

    Integrating birds

    Hi! I have 6 roughly 12 week old heritage birds. I am very scared to mix them in with the other hens because they still seem too small. They have all their grown up feathers and just need to grow a bit more, but they are not even close to the size of the big hens. They have been in the same coop...
  11. Ghenri

    My chickens stopped laying!

    They have been staying in their coop when I'm not there, I've noticed a couple feathers lost but I think it's from them pulling out each others feathers when they eat. I have one white hen who was moulting through the winter, and then she stopped laying. But the white hen isn't laying now with...
  12. Ghenri

    My chickens stopped laying!

    For the past couple of weeks my chickens have stopped laying completely! They recently got new laying boxes and were fine for a few weeks and then they stopped laying, then started again, then stopped completely. It's been close to a month! I keep trying to think of what could have caused this...
  13. Ghenri

    How do chicks and hens get along?

    Ok thank you so much. I figured the grown hens would not be pleasant towards the chicks. I will keep them nice and warm by themselves when they get here and when they get their big feathers, I will let them roam! Thank you
  14. Ghenri

    How do chicks and hens get along?

    In the spring I will be getting another round of chicks, yet at the same time keeping my old ones. I've had my brown Laying hens for almost a year and was wondering how well they will get along with new chicks. I don't want them to hurt them, cause I know how heartless they can be sometimes. If...
  15. Ghenri

    Snow drifting into coop?

    Great idea!!! I'll do that if it gets cold again. If anyone knows any other DIY tips similar please let me know! Thanks.
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