Recent content by greeneggs1

  1. greeneggs1

    Comment by 'greeneggs1' in article 'Villa Gallina'

    Very nice! Love the chicken calculations. Do you ever have any problems with roosting on top of your nest box?
  2. greeneggs1

    2012 Chicken Coop Design

    The netting is a good idea McClain. I tried going to your site, but couldn't find it? Can you post a link? The chain link fence is an existing fence. I'm not too eager to install more of it. I am planning on putting in sand/mulch on top of the concrete. Will the sand substrate fulfill their...
  3. greeneggs1

    2012 Chicken Coop Design

    I'm trying to come up with a new coop design. I enjoyed my first coop that I built, but have learned a few things that I'd like to incorporate into a new one. Our homes' previous owners put in a dog kennel with a concrete floor and fenced with chain link. It is placed in the corner of our...
  4. I'm favoring this design right now.

    I'm favoring this design right now.

  5. greeneggs1

    Green Eggs

    I got my first flock of chickens in April 2010. I started with two Rhode Island Reds, two Buff Orpingtons, and two Silver Laced Wyandottes. This is in March 2011. One of the RIR turned out to be a roo, so we went down to five chickens. Here is the coop in all of it's glory...
  6. Default


  7. greeneggs1

    My hen is acting like a male

    One of my 10 week old buff orpingtons was nestled in the grass, and my (also 10 week old) rhode island red tried to get on top of her from behind. the rir does have more prominent comb and wattles than my other rir. I've read where a hen will take on the role of rooster if there isn't a...
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