Recent content by halleyd591

  1. halleyd591

    Choosing to Free Range

    I have 9 hens and 2 roosters. They have been enclosed in a large run for a year and have wore the ground down to dirt. I would love to start letting them free range, but I’m still unsure. We have an acre of land that is fenced in, and we have a dog that has been raised and exposed to them since...
  2. halleyd591

    Hens not laying

    I had a very sick chicken a while back that towards the end was laying soft shelled eggs. I saw her lay one in the middle of the run and the others ran over and devoured it before I could stop them. They left even the soft shell so I’m pretty sure SOMETHING would be left behind.
  3. halleyd591

    Hens not laying

    I don’t think egg eating is the problem...nest boxes stay clean and dry...I’m sure I would notice a mess at some point. The two older ones from my first batch are going through their first “light molt” along with one of my Silkies (she hasn’t started laying again so I assume it takes them a...
  4. halleyd591

    Hens not laying

    Hi!!! I’m from NC and have a very strange problem...and I think I might be the only one to ever experience this! I have 2 hens that are a year and a half old and have NEVER LAID AN EGG!!! I have 2 golden buffs who lay great. I also have 2 Silkies who lay well...when they aren’t broody or...
  5. halleyd591

    Lice and other pests - please help!

    I see this post is from last year but I am struggling with the same thing! I cannot get rid of them. My girls dust bathe all the time in their sand run with DE sprinkled in the holes they make. I have tried Epsom Salt/Dawn Dishwashing soap bath, Permethrin spray, DE baths and NOTHING has helped...
  6. halleyd591

    Moving Broody Hen and Eggs

    Also, she is not in a nest box...she made her own nest in the corner floor of the coop. Shes's a weirdo!
  7. halleyd591

    Moving Broody Hen and Eggs

    Seems like a lot of us are in the same boat here! I didn't realize she might abandon the nest if I moved her so that sort of messed up our plan of action. I think I will place a wire dog crate (wrapped in chicken wire so the babies don't escape) around them on day 20 and when they all hatch I...
  8. halleyd591

    Treating Bumblefoot

    While doing my monthly check up on my girls I noticed something off on the bottom of 2 of their feet. It appeared to be a wart? Perfect circle, hard and loose on the sides but still attached in the middle. I just assumed it to be a calluses but upon research, I assume it to be Bumblefoot. There...
  9. halleyd591

    Moving Broody Hen and Eggs

    So since she's not on a movable nest I shouldn't move her? If I can block her off would it be ok to move them all after they hatch?
  10. halleyd591

    Moving Broody Hen and Eggs

    I have a year old Silkie hen that has been sitting on 5 eggs for 11 days. Is it normal for them to reject an egg? She had pushed just one egg out to the other side of the coop. I would assume her instincts tell her there was something wrong with it?? Also, When is it safe to move Momma and eggs...
  11. halleyd591

    Help identifying 4 week old chick!

    I have been feeding medicated starter feed. I have never raised meat birds before. I am still not 100% sure on breed. Time will tell I guess. What should I be doing with feed for them if they are in fact meat birds? Is it OK to continue on the medicated feed? For how long? What age/weight should...
  12. halleyd591

    Help identifying 4 week old chick!

    Middle picture you can see the black spots on her head...They both had black spots before feathers started coming in...I don't see any black feathers though.
  13. halleyd591

    Help identifying 4 week old chick!

    Was hoping the black spots meant California Whites
  14. halleyd591

    Help identifying 4 week old chick!

    I rescued these babies about 2 weeks ago from a girl who got them "for Easter" and had no idea how to take care of them. Several died so she asked me if I would take them. OF COARSE!!!! They are 4 weeks old and she got them from Tractor Supply. Box was marked "Chicks Straight Run". I know...
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