Recent content by hegazi

  1. hegazi

    Helping Mama Hen

    Hi All Backstory: I have a 12x16 coop/barn. We have 31 hens, 3 roos, and 2 goats. For the most part the goats only sleep there unless it's cold and snowy. The girls mostly prefer one nesting box but we were only getting 3-4 eggs a day so that hasn't been a problem, until now. One of our cochins...
  2. hegazi

    Getting them to use roosting bar

    I've tried this but my light was probably too bright and moved too much. I'll try again being more careful. Thank you
  3. hegazi

    Getting them to use roosting bar

    How do you get you chickens to use a roosting bar at night? Most of mine choose to crowd into the corner where their nesting boxes are, all into 2 boxes knocking each other into the floor instead of the 3 12 foot bars set up for them. I take them and place them on the bars but they head back to...
  4. hegazi

    What are these and are they bad in a coop

    Yes but our chicken coop is more like a small barn. I keep the chicken feed packed away while the goats are in at night and then the goats are out all day and the chicken feed is available to the chickens. I'm just concerned now that the goat pee may be keeping the shavings too wet.
  5. hegazi

    What are these and are they bad in a coop

    Sounds like a very precise balance to keep! I'll work on it. Thank you
  6. hegazi

    What are these and are they bad in a coop

    I was afraid of that. I wonder if the goat pee is keeping the shavings too wet and maybe I should build them a stall. Any suggestions? Also, should I just toss out all of the shavings and put in fresh ones?
  7. hegazi

    What are these and are they bad in a coop

    I was turning over the shavings in the coop and found a lot of these worms/caterpillars/?? Does anyone know what they are and what I should do, throw out all shavings and put in fresh, just have chickens eat them? How do I prevent them in the future? We recently added some goats too, could that...
  8. hegazi

    Goats and chickens

    I have some new Nigerian Dwarfs almost a year old. The share a small barn/large coop with our chickens. They all get along and have enough space but the problem is keeping the goats out of the chicken feed. I have started putting the chicken food away at night when the goats are in there but...
  9. hegazi

    Profile name change

    How do you change your profile name? I saw another thread but it is closed to further replies and I can't find anything in the Account area.
  10. hegazi

    Run help

    I am having trouble building our run. We tried pvc but it is too wide and the pvc sagged. We then added 2x4 supports but there was still some sagging. We tried tying the sagging parts to trees but I was not confident in its ability to hold snow, predators, etc. There are trees that I could wrap...
  11. hegazi

    Need help on hoop run design

    Is it possible to connect 2 cattle panels for a wider run? Or will they sag?
  12. hegazi

    Hoop Coop Pros and Cons

    Could you tell me the dimensions of your hoop coop?
  13. hegazi

    Is that a rooster?

    Awesome! I'm very excited about that. I just hope the two older ones don't bully him. Any advice for getting them to get along? The older ones are 2 months older.
  14. hegazi

    Is that a rooster?

    I think 7 weeks.
  15. hegazi

    Is that a rooster?

    I have 9 Cochin chicks 6 black and 3 gray. The one on the right is the only one with a red comb that it's bigger than the others. Is it a rooster or is it just developing earlier?
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