Recent content by Heidi52

  1. Heidi52

    Just how useful is a rooster anyway?

    My Big Lazy Rooster hid behind the hens when anything attacked. Totally useless for protection. The only reason to put up with them is if you want to have fertilized eggs, but if you hatch them out you will end up with 50-50 roosters/hens. Not worth it to me. No more roosters and I've tried them...
  2. Heidi52

    aggressive rooster

    LOL whatever your weapon of choice. I like the little pistol, as it fits in my pocket and handy. And it doesn't take much water to discourage him.
  3. Heidi52

    Very Aggressive Rooster!

    aggression towards the rooster is a lose- lose situation. Roosters will fight to the death, that's why they are used for fighting, because they aren't programmed to think, just to fight. Time for us humans to use that big brain of ours and not resort to violence. My solution is to buy a...
  4. Heidi52

    New member intro

    Hi My name is Heidi and I have had chickens for many years. I joined this group in order to share the solution I came up with to stop aggression in my rooster. I currently have Buff Orpingtons. Will try to share pictures later.
  5. Heidi52

    aggressive rooster

    My rooster was headed for the stew pot, until I discovered the SECRET!!! two words: Squirt gun bought some small cheapy squirt guns at walmart and it's been like magic. At the first sign of aggression I squirt him in the face and he backs right off. It's only been a week, but now, all all I...
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