Very Aggressive Rooster!

aggression towards the rooster is a lose- lose situation. Roosters will fight to the death, that's why they are used for fighting, because they aren't programmed to think, just to fight.

Time for us humans to use that big brain of ours and not resort to violence.

My solution is to buy a cheap small squirt gun and squirt him in the face. He will back off immediately. You may have to use it a couple of times before he catches on, but they don't like getting wet, and they especially don't like being squirted in the face. It does not escalate the aggression because there is no target and nothing to fight. It doesn't hurt them, but they really don't like it. Now all I have to do is show him and he goes off and minds his business.
We have 4 roosters. The one with Cochin traits is the Alfa in our flock, but he is a sweety. We bought him at a fair last year and have had no difficulties with him. If your rooster is aggressive and poses a threat to you or anyone else, you probably should really think hard about keeping him. And, as a previous reply mentioned, I also would caution against selling him to someone else, for fear that he could injure them. It is a hard situation. But, when we have an animal which cannot remain with us because of its behavior, what gives me comfort is knowing that it is not because I am unwilling to care for the animal, but rather because the animal chooses to behave in a dangerous manner and is giving us no choice. No matter how much we love our animals, and we do, we have to act in the best interest of all of our animals and people. I wish you well with this!

Sonja Twombly
I agree completely. I have found that aggression towards an aggressive animal rarely ever solves the problem with it. We treat all of our animals with respect and all of our animals are very gentle and sweet.

Sonja Twombly
I can't get near him to catch him. I have to suit up in Carhartt everything to even feed them. I don't want a rooster like that. I may just have to give him up. The rest of my roosters are very friendly. I don't know what happened to him. Of course, I hatched out the rest of them and raised them from chicks. I guess that makes the difference.

Life's too short. If he's of mating age and that aggressive, he's not fixable. Been through this with several roosters of different breeds.

Temperament is heritable so he will probably produce sons just as nasty as he is. There are too many great ones like my Delaware and my blue Orp to go through life watching your back while doing chicken chores. I don't require my roosters to be cuddly, but they absolutely cannot be human-aggressive, period.

You may make him leery of you, maybe even slightly scared of you, but that won't change his temperament, just make him sneakier.

Check out the video in this post for proof of what a rooster can be like:
Another video from photobucket: Clips/?action=view&current=DSCN5537.mp4
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My roos previous owner got him from the perch at night. He is such a sweetie I really should hatch some of his off spring. Give it(rehab) a try then I say rehome and get another roo.
look i have gamefowl like thailand and asils and spanish gamefowl. one of my thai birds is verry agresive he attacks me he isint scared of me but the but the only way to stop an aggresive bird is to let him hit you as much as he wants until he gets tired then grab him with 1 hand hard on the neck and the othere hand on its body and then that shows you are yhr dominant one and he will stop being aggresive

hope that helps
There is lots of great advice in these responses. I just can't imagine that owning this roo is enjoyable for you. I am on the side of argument that is in favor of chicken dinner. Roos are too plentiful and easy to make to keep a bad one. I refuse to be made miserable by a mere chicken no matter how pretty.
Please do not get rid of him please just try really quickly to catch him then sit down put him in your lap on his back .hold his feet.and then hold his head softly so he cant bite you , then talk to him I know it sounds crazy but it works tell him its alright he dosent need to act like this and all that stuff you know...I have a rooster with an identical personality to yours and I saved him from the pot and I tried this now hes as sweet as honey my little baby who would've thought !!! :) :D hope all works out for you :) :D
gee i wonder if that would have worked the son of sam or jeffrey dalmer???? na they got what they deserved...the roo is the same...
I have 2 roos and they constantly fight each other. Taraje the older roo will protect Pegasus the hen when Butter tries to mate with her. My roos know that I'm the boss so they run from me. They will let you hold, bathe,and dry them off but when they get together they immediately fight.

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