Recent content by Herne13

  1. Herne13

    Two different problems, two different chickens

    okay, i have two chickens i am asking about the first, Spoons, is a mix breed and about 2 or so years old and she is greatly lacking in butt feathers, has had some laying issues and diarrhea. She is the first picture. They did just recently have a long run of eating apples that had fallen from...
  2. Herne13

    new young rooster

    Our rooster recently went to the great beyond (RIP Gentleman Hank, you served us well) and we acquired a new, quite young (9 weeks old) rooster. He is 3/4 American Bresse and 1/4 Rhode Island Red. He is now a bit older than 12 weeks and we were wondering if it was time to let him hang out with...
  3. Herne13

    new hens that wont go in the coop

    okay, good to know that this is not an unusual amount of time. the coop is about 5 1/2 by 8 1/2 (feet of course). it is at about max capacity with 13 hens and a rooster (which may also be part of the problem), about half the hens are under three years old and were hatched here, the others we...
  4. Herne13

    new hens that wont go in the coop

    Hello, we were gifted four new hens a few months back and we are having problems getting them to integrate with the rest of the flock. We have a little under an acre and they free range it most of the day. So they have too many ways to avoid each other. So far one, who was still a poult when...
  5. Herne13

    rooster spurs

    i am a fairly new owner of chickens and i am having problems with a rooster that digs into the girls with his spurs when they mate. so far this has caused some nasty damage to one of them (we had to put her in a separate kennel because he would not stay off her, she is the alpha female...
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