Recent content by jamitysmom

  1. jamitysmom

    Welsummer chicks - male or female?

    If I had to guess Chick number 2 is a pullet - what sweet eyes! Not so sure about Chick number 1 though!
  2. jamitysmom

    Welsummer chicks - male or female?

    Oh wow, they're very cute. I'm new here and can't help really. Sorry. But we had a Welsummer, got her as a pullet and she was a great hen and laid beautiful dark brown eggs! Good luck, hope they are both pullets!
  3. jamitysmom


    I'm fairly new here as well, but welcome! I have had chickens in the past and recently decided to get them again. So fun! We also have barred rocks and Easter eggers. I'm really liking the barred rocks! So friendly. The Easter Eggers, not so much! They'd better lay some beautiful eggs, that's...
  4. jamitysmom

    Sexing 10 Week Barred Rocks

    I hope there are more than two girls! I've got twenty chicks, hoping to have at least half girls, lol. But I am a little worried too!
  5. jamitysmom

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Oops, my comment was for Annibodi from Georgia. Sorry, still haven't figured out how to comment on here! Jan
  6. jamitysmom

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Your coop/run is fantastic! I'm sure your grandfather would love it. Do the girls actually use the high points? What great fun. My daughter would love this for her cat, haha. He's an indoor cat that she walks around the yard once in a while. Is that a satellite dish that you used for a roof? And...
  7. jamitysmom

    Review by '' on item 'Orpington'

    We have three Orpingtons, one Blue Orpington hen, one Blue Orpington rooster and one Blue/Buff Orpington rooster. We've had to separate the Blue rooster from the Blue/Buff rooster as they started fighting. The Blue/Buff rooster is gorgeous, he loves taking care of his mixed flock of seven...
  8. jamitysmom

    Comment by 'jamitysmom' in item 'Chantecler'

    I have two partridge hens as well, they are about a year old. They are odd little hens! I love them but they do act strangely - they will stay in the corner of the hen house brooding if you let them. Sometimes there's an egg under them and sometimes not. One of them used to hang around in the...
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