post your chicken coop pictures here!

I just realized I can wrap my ugly pallet coop/run in clear plastic (not completely of course, because VENTILATION) for the winter months and a) maximize light during the shorter days and b) create a bit of a greenhouse effect and help keep my chicken birds warm. We leave in area with less than 10 days of sunshine all winter so no one will get too hot, believe me.
I have the run built now and the hen house has been painted inside. I am hoping to open the hen house tomorrow for the girls I have just a few things to wrap up for them to occupy the building. I will still need to add the trim but that doesn't need to be done for them to start using it. Mike This picture is the run with the roof on. Welded wire installed. Inside view before I added some roost bars. View from inside the run towards the hen house. Access people gate to the run.
Holly chicken I thought my coop was amazing so jealous
I just realized I can wrap my ugly pallet coop/run in clear plastic (not completely of course, because VENTILATION) for the winter months and a) maximize light during the shorter days and b) create a bit of a greenhouse effect and help keep my chicken birds warm.  We leave in area with less than 10 days of sunshine all winter so no one will get too hot, believe me.
Yeah it should work I've seen in places with heavy snow and little day light... Shower curtains work because they're thin light clear and inexpensive
Yeah it should work I've seen in places with heavy snow and little day light... Shower curtains work because they're thin light clear and inexpensive

I went to Home Depot and got the plastic sheeting that painters use. It was 40 dollars for a huge long roll and it's pretty heavy duty. I did the whole roof as it's supposed to start raining this weekend. I will leave the sides open probably until late fall.
When the sun shines I will put tarps or blankets over the roof plastic so no one cooks, but summer is on its last legs here.
I went to Home Depot and got the plastic sheeting that painters use.  It was 40 dollars for a huge long roll and it's pretty heavy duty.  I did the whole roof as it's supposed to start raining this weekend.  I will leave the sides open probably until late fall.
When the sun shines I will put tarps or blankets over the roof plastic so no one cooks, but summer is on its last legs here.
Sounds like you have a good plan let us know how it goes
I so need that!!!!!!
I know me too lol so far I have 32
Wait till you get over 50 then realize you want them to breed more next year. Lololol!
I have the run built now and the hen house has been painted inside. I am hoping to open the hen house tomorrow for the girls I have just a few things to wrap up for them to occupy the building. I will still need to add the trim but that doesn't need to be done for them to start using it. Mike This picture is the run with the roof on. Welded wire installed. Inside view before I added some roost bars. View from inside the run towards the hen house. Access people gate to the run.
Dang that's freaking awesome! I have a nice pair of coops but wow!very nicely done! You may not like your run door size soon though. Hard to get a wheelbarrow in it maybe.
I have the run built now and the hen house has been painted inside. I am hoping to open the hen house tomorrow for the girls I have just a few things to wrap up for them to occupy the building. I will still need to add the trim but that doesn't need to be done for them to start using it. Mike This picture is the run with the roof on. Welded wire installed. Inside view before I added some roost bars. View from inside the run towards the hen house. Access people gate to the run.
You are a first time chicken owner and you did all that in only 3 months? Fantastic looking coop!
Your coop/run is fantastic! I'm sure your grandfather would love it. Do the girls actually use the high points? What great fun. My daughter would love this for her cat, haha. He's an indoor cat that she walks around the yard once in a while. Is that a satellite dish that you used for a roof? And I'd love to know what you have for the "floor" of the run. Are you using gravel? It really is awesome. Would love pictures of the inside of the coop too.


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