

The original Orpington, the Black, was developed in England in 1886 and brought to the US in...
heard they are awesome layers and really sweet
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Pros: Broody, good mommas, good layers, good foragers, large eggs, very docile & friendly, cold weather tolarant
Cons: broodiness if you don't want chicks, they like to be dominant hens
Buff Orpingtons are one of my favorite breeds. They are good layers of large creamy brown eggs, very docile and they love people. Mine were excellent foragers. If you want broody hens, these hens make great mothers. Not all I had were broody, but, the ones that were broody were very determined to set. They usually like to be the "queen bees" in the hen house. The rooster I had was very docile and non-aggressive. I'd highly recommend.
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Pros: Lots of fluffiness, sweet, docile temperament, good-size medium brown eggs, are easy to catch and hold
Cons: Mine tend to be loud if they are not let outside soon, can have a tendency towards broodiness, may not lay eggs every day
I love my Buff Orpingtons! They're so fluffy and fun to hold (small children may not be able to hold them because of their large size). I have two orps currently, one named Grasshopper and the other Goldie. Grasshopper is the queen of my seven hens (the other buff orp, two ISA Browns, two wyandottes and one Black Star) and keeps them in line, though not as viciously as the other breeds. She gives them a peck or two and they get the picture. She is a fairly good layer and her egg color ranges from a light tan-brown to a medium brown.
Goldie is just behind Grasshopper in the pecking order and is very sweet. Her usual noises are soft and fairly quiet, though when she wants out, she lets you know BIG TIME! As far as broodiness, Goldie was the only one of the two to exhibit a little of the behavior. She frequently made little "grunting" noises as she pecked food, probably to call her "imaginary chicks". Her egg color was similar to Grasshopper's, but had a pink overtone and occasionally had purplish "pimples" on the outside of the egg.
Overall, Orpingtons are a great breed to have as pets and egg layers, though don't expect to get an egg every single day from a hen (the only reason I'm giving Orpingtons four and a half stars). They have lots of downy feathers (fluff, as I refer it to) and when they molt, expect feathers to be everywhere!
I love my Orpingtons!
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I want one really bad! They are amazing!
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one of my new chicks, love the way they look!
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Pros: Lay a decent amount of eggs
Cons: Not friendly, hens are broody about 99% of the time
I really did not enjoy the Buff Orpingtons I received from a mixed batch of chicks from Cackle Hatchery. I was hopeing for a "Mixed Batch" of chicks but ended up with 50 Buff Orpingtons.. They were so aweful! Very flighty, roosters were just plain nasty! Pullets would become broody at a very young age after laying for maybe a week. They did lay a decent amount of eggs that were medium-sized, I would have assumed they would have been bigger since they constantly ate feed and at how big their size was. They were quickly butchered and we replaced them with EE (Easter Eggers) chickens and we never went back! I may be the only one that had a bad experience with Orpingtons, but they made a long-lasting impression on me and I don't plan on ever owning one again.
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Pros: very friendly, love to be held
I own 4 Buff Orpington pullets(The Buttercups). Very social and beautiful. I got mine from two different places so $3.00 for 2 of them and $3.39 for the other 2.
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Pros: Sociable, Cool Looking
Cons: Males are very loud
This is a great bird for beginners and families. Although, the males seem to be louder then other breeds.
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Pros: docile and gets along with other chicks
Cons: none
these chickens are great egg layers and the get along with other chicks. They are docile in character
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Pros: good at everything expert at none
Cons: roos can get aggresive
Well humm, what can I say about Orpingtons. I have had Orpingtons for 4 years now. They are Not my favorites but they are very good chickens, kinda like the neighbor hood handy man, good at every thing expert at none.I still keep one around for brooding eggs. My favorites are Buckeyes, the Buckeyes are friendlier and taste better than the Opringtons.I like Faverolles and Dorkings better too, along with New Hampshire's and Dominique's. Although Dorkings and Dominique's are very shy they are delicious as are the other breeds I mentioned. I don't look for the same traits that a lot of people do. What I look for is taste and flavor first and for-most then friendliness and self supporting trait's as in will they forage up most of there own food and will they stay close to home and go back to there coop to roost at night. As far as eggs goes all chickens lay eggs some more than others, so I just keep how ever many chickens I need to supply my family with eggs and I only keep the broody hens to keep hatching more chickens for us to eat. Some breeds it takes ordering a lot of chickens to find a good broody one. I also keep a rooster around for odvias reasons lol not an Orpington though. Orpingtons lay a lot of nice brown large eggs but not the most. Some will go broody but not all of them. They are big birds but not the biggest. They taste good but not as good as some other breeds. I will have to say though that they taste every bit as good as what you will find in the grocery store. As far as personality goes, roosters are very noisiey my 2 roosters would crow all day long, also they can get very aggressive. I had one that would attack me when I would go to feed them. Needless to say I still remember how to kick a field goal from my old high school days and he ended up in the pot lol, All in all though, they are good natured chickens, but not the best natured chickens. Personally I do not name my chickens or become overly friendly with them. I don't try and make pets out of them. I can just imagine a family sitting at the dinner table knife in one hand fork in the other with tears in there eyes. The man stands up and instead of saying grace he says a short eulogy. Here lays Charley, he was a good chicken and a good friend, now he is dead and....... roasted..........and we have to eat him LOL. Nope, no Kodak moments of Charley sitting on my lap clucking for me! I let my chickens out most days to free range but I figure they can take care of them selves mostly. I give them food and water and medication if they need it then go in and pet my dogs, I don't plan on ever eating my dogs lol :)
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Pros: fluffly and lovely
Cons: Eat eat eat
I love my Buffs. They are super friendly and best of all they don't fly much..at least mine don't. The color is amazing, and they are heavily feathered, which is great for our NJ winters. I have 5 of them and they all come running when I come over to their coop.
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Pros: calm, friendly, puffy, large eggs
Cons: eats alot
i like Orpingtons. they are puffy and make my day. they don`t run away from me
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Pros: calm, gentle, smart, cute, funny, plump, fuzzy, often broody, color eye catching
Cons: roosters can be aggressive, often broody can lose a few as chicks
These are great birds!
They are cute little sillies (just kidding. they weigh 8 lbs.
They can be broody. However the roosters can get mean
. They are normally calm and great for people with little kids. They are smart (for chickens.
) However when we ordered 13 of them, (with 12 barred rocks) we lost 3
. So let's review:
  • Smart
  • Good with kids
  • Calm
  • Cute & Plump
  • Roosters can be Aggressive
  • Often Broody
  • Comes in many Colors
Thanks for Reading! I hope this helps!

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Pros: Friendly, docile, lays well
Very sweet birds. Friendly, social, and good mothers. Although, they are large birds. Cold hardy, and also does well in warmer temps. All around good bird.
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Pros: a gentle giant, takes control when needed
Cons: none

Billy (my big blue orpington roo) is about a year old. He is very kind, not a bit aggressive, but he does stand up for himself and his hens when he feels the need to. I love him and do plan on buying some orpington pullets in the future.
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Pros: friendly, , beautiful,
Cons: None
My Buff are the best chickens
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Love this breed! Will be getting more
Here is a picture of our hen :)

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Pros: Pretty, healthy, good layer
Cons: Not particularly friendly
My Orp was an ok hen before she was eaten by a raccoon. She laid well, which is really all I really cared about, but she was the least friendly of my first three chickens. Didn't like to be held. However, she was much friendlier than the two Wyandottes I currently have.
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Pros: Calm, friendly, good family bird
Cons: None I can think of
We have three Orpingtons, one Blue Orpington hen, one Blue Orpington rooster and one Blue/Buff Orpington rooster. We've had to separate the Blue rooster from the Blue/Buff rooster as they started fighting. The Blue/Buff rooster is gorgeous, he loves taking care of his mixed flock of seven hens. I really like their personalities (except for the Blue rooster who has decided that I am his enemy - this is after I nursed him back to health after almost dying this past summer! Up until then he was a wonderful guy too.) I would definitely get Orpington's again!
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Pros: Friendly, Docile, Calm, Mix Easy w/ Others
Cons: Not overly bright
We have 3 Buff Orpingtons, and what a treat they are. They are so easy going and beautiful. They never stray far from each other, and are always calm.

Docile Birds, so much so they are often the target of more aggressive birds and often have to wait to eat or drink till the others are out of the way.

Very happy with these birds.
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