Recent content by janddh12

  1. janddh12

    Double yolkers being incubated naturally?......

    I have a breeding pair of pekin ducks and buff orpington. My buff drake has been breeding both females and vise versa with the pekin drake. My pekin hen lays an unusual amount of double yolkers. Now she is not a very broody girl but my buff is. To give her a good full clutch, I took the liberty...
  2. janddh12

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I have a breeding pair of pekin ducks, named Dan and Brenda. Brenda tends to lay double yolk eggs alot. In the last month atleast been 15+ . Now Dan is not the only drake breeding her. My buff orpington drake (named drake) has been rather aggressively breeding her aswell. Brenda was not going...
  3. janddh12

    long time reader.........First time breeder!!

    Hi from rural Chatsworth..... I am on my second attempt raising chickens, except this time I have added ducks and a guinea fowl. Also a road island red and some silkies along with isa brown laying hens. My muscovy hen is sitting on a clutch of about 18 eggs due to hatch on or about the 28th of...
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