Recent content by jdsnps

  1. jdsnps

    I want to make sure my free-range chickens lay in the coop!

    I've been reading this thread with interest since I'm letting my chickens free range, and I'm concerned about them laying in their nesting box. I have two Buff Orpingtons and two Barred Rocks that are about 18 weeks old. The Barred Rocks' combs and wattles are turning red which is neat to...
  2. jdsnps

    Advice Wanted While Waiting for First Eggs

    I've got two Barred Rocks and two Buff Orpingtons that are about seventeen weeks old, and I have them free-ranging in the backyard. My question is how do I get them to lay in the nest box? Do I need to worry that they will lay out in the yard? Should I start keeping them in their little (10'...
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