Advice Wanted While Waiting for First Eggs


6 Years
Jul 9, 2013
I've got two Barred Rocks and two Buff Orpingtons that are about seventeen weeks old, and I have them free-ranging in the backyard. My question is how do I get them to lay in the nest box? Do I need to worry that they will lay out in the yard? Should I start keeping them in their little (10' x 10') yard until they figure things out?

Also, all six of my hens (I also have two Easter Eggers that are about a month younger) roost in the nest box. Is that a problem? If so, what do I do about it?

Yes it is possible for them to lay somewhere in the yard. You want to guide them where to lay.

Yes it is a problem for them to be roosting in the nest boxes. Make sure that available roosting for all chickens is HIGHER than the nest boxes. Block off the next boxes until the hens are ready to lay. You really don't want poop in the nests.

Wish ya the best.
i would keep them open and put 3 golfballs in each nest that will show them where to lay. keep the balls in there until they have layed in the nest for about a month good luck!!!!!

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