Recent content by Jemima66

  1. Jemima66

    Can You Help Identify?- Steals Eggs, Ignores Chickens

    My chickens are in a large coop off the ground. They have an enclosed run. Until two weeks ago egg production was up as days got longer and we were up to about 6-8 eggs a day. Then we had a sudden huge snowstorm and for the last two weeks I believe we got ONE egg in total. I thought at first...
  2. Jemima66

    Can guinea hens lay more then one egg a day

    I have two guinea hens. No males. I got two eggs from them three days ago, two two days ago, and THREE yesterday. Since I only have two guineas there is no other explanation than one of them laid two eggs. Fascinating!
  3. Jemima66

    Hello from Upstate NY!

    Thank you all for your replies! Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well so far! We finally got our new coop built, by my husband, and it's pretty great! I loved our tiny one, but it wasn't nearly big enough for everyone we have. He did at least partially insulate our coop, but although we...
  4. Jemima66

    Chickens Fight Over Roosting in one Spot...the LOWEST spot!!

    Ha, not sure what they are. I would have to ask my husband. But the edge prior to today was only about an inch or less wide, and yet they still preferred that! I can't figure it out. I would think that would hurt their feet. My husband did put a 'shelf' on top of that edge today (which he...
  5. Jemima66

    Chickens Fight Over Roosting in one Spot...the LOWEST spot!!

    Hi! Maybe this isn't too big a deal, but my husband just built a new coop, and we decided on a litter tray with roost space above that, three feet off the ground with a ladder going up to it. We first put 2 roost bars about six or seven feet long each level with each other just on top of the...
  6. Jemima66

    Beginning to Squat

    I have 18 chickens, two of whom are layers (one came to me laying when she was about a year and a half, and the other was given to us when she was about 8 weeks old. She started laying at 22 weeks.) I have 16 others... 6 are 21 weeks, and 10 are 17 weeks. Only one of the 21 week olders is very...
  7. Jemima66

    White Pullet with White Earlobes Laid Brown Eggs...what is she?

    Thank you for that! Regardless, I was just trying to learn, and hopefully no one was bothered by my inquiry. That really is fascinating, and your picture looks like my chickens! :)
  8. Jemima66

    White Pullet with White Earlobes Laid Brown Eggs...what is she?

    Oh, we love her! She's a great bird and has laid 9 straight eggs, albeit beginner sized, and brown. We were just thrown off because we 'expected' white eggs since she 'looks' like a Leghorn based on her earlobes. We have one Leghorn hen, and a rooster who has red earlobes with a large single...
  9. Jemima66

    White Pullet with White Earlobes Laid Brown Eggs...what is she?

    Thank you everyone for your replies and input! I am going to try and get a better picture tomorrow. She was very young in the one I posted...about three months. It's all fascinating stuff...I even watched her lay an egg today to be absolutely sure it came from her! And yup...still brown...but...
  10. Jemima66

    White Pullet with White Earlobes Laid Brown Eggs...what is she?

    That is what I am speculating, but, don't White Plymouth Rocks have red earlobes? Could she be a cross? The people clearly had White Leghorns and either WPR or RIW's... Does anyone know what a cross between a White Leghorn and a White Plymouth Rock or Rhode Island White might produce?
  11. Jemima66

    White Pullet with White Earlobes Laid Brown Eggs...what is she?

    A while back I had posted not knowing the breeds of my chicken and roosters a friend had given me. It seems that the rooster is a Rhode Island White or White Plymouth Rock since he has red earlobes. But I am positive I don't see any red on the pullet's ear lobes and thought she was a White...
  12. Jemima66

    leghorn sized egg?

    I have a Leghorn that was given to me already laying. She is about a year and a half old, and almost daily she gives us a three ounce egg. Today, she gave us a FOUR ounce egg! It was huge! She is an amazing layer!
  13. Jemima66

    Need help identifying three sets of chicks please!

    Do you ever go through Franklin? I see we have similar amounts of children, and one of my daughters is in college to be an RN!
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