Recent content by JenGalbraith

  1. JenGalbraith

    Growing fodder for chickens

    some fellow farmers and I were talking about this last night. I started reading this thread and there is so much information. What advice can you give to someone just newly looking into this? I have chickens, ducks, goats and a rabbit. Is there one good one that they can all eat or should I be...
  2. JenGalbraith

    Fall 2013 Carolina Chickenstock

    It was a great day!! Loved meeting everyone and visiting with others I had met before. I think Greg and I did pretty well, sold 4 birds and came home with 6... so much for cutting back lol Here are some of my pictures from Saturday!
  3. JenGalbraith

    South Carolina

    It's a shame you weren't at chicken stock over the weekend. I picked up three. Anyone know the name of the gentleman I got the two black pullets from? He had chicks!
  4. JenGalbraith

    South Carolina
  5. JenGalbraith

    South Carolina

    Have you checked out SC Chicken and Duck Owners Group on Facebook? A lot of people are over there now.
  6. JenGalbraith

    Fall 2013 Carolina Chickenstock

    Amy you are a bad influence lol... You know this is all because of RP
  7. JenGalbraith

    Fall 2013 Carolina Chickenstock

    We do want a Royal Palm turkey or 2. I just don't think I would be able to get one in time
  8. JenGalbraith

    Fall 2013 Carolina Chickenstock

    Golly I wish I had a Tom for her. I would definitely be interested.
  9. JenGalbraith

    Fall 2013 Carolina Chickenstock

    If you have never been definitely make sure to come. It is amazing to walk around and talk to fellow chicken lovers and see some great birds up close (rather than a picture online) of breeds you don't always see. Hope to see you there!!
  10. JenGalbraith

    Fall 2013 Carolina Chickenstock

    Here is a Muscovy trio that I will be bringing next Saturday I am asking $30. I also have starting making these feedbag hens. I may or may not have time to make more that the one in this photo before next week. But, if you would like one, I will make time to get it done so let me know!
  11. JenGalbraith

    Fall 2013 Carolina Chickenstock

    Check out what else I will be bringing... Make sure you come check out Meadowlark Farms!! (I'll hopefully be near Amy with a pink canopy!)
  12. JenGalbraith

    Fall 2013 Carolina Chickenstock

    I have been hard at work getting things ready. Here is a little sampling of what I will be bringing. Also, I am really looking for a couple Maran Hens. Please tell me someone will have some!! :-) Egg Shell Jewelry Feed Bag Totes pop tab bracelets Beeswax candles
  13. JenGalbraith

    South Carolina

    I just posted in Upstate Small Farm Connection. If they do I'm sure they will let me know.
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