Recent content by jwood

  1. jwood

    Bumble foot help

    Thank you for your replies! I will look into the clear iodine. I'm in Canada so not sure what we can get here. Also not sure if I can get oral antibiotics without seeing a vet? I will see if my feed store carries fear one of them has warm legs but I will confirm tomorrow morning.
  2. jwood

    Bumble foot help

    Hi, Hoping someone can offer a bit of advice. I'm ashamed to say both my ducks have bumble foot. One of them has it pretty bad on both feet. I just wondering if anyone has had luck with Healx Soother plus cream. I can get it easily from my vet and am hoping i can apply without wrapping the...
  3. jwood

    My ducks are being jerks to my chickens

    The ducks are female and are 5 months old. They are Pekin ducks. I read on here that ducks weren't usually obnoxious to others when introducing new flock members so that's why I went the duck route 1st
  4. jwood

    My ducks are being jerks to my chickens

    Hi Everyone, Any tips to keep my ducks from being jerks to my chickens? My chicks are 6 weeks old and they are too big for their brooder so they need to start living with the ducks but my ducks are being mean to them :( I imagine its just because the ducks are scared of them because they are...
  5. jwood

    April fool's is not a nice time to be a chicken where i live :(

    7 have been caught and are safe and sound :)
  6. jwood

    April fool's is not a nice time to be a chicken where i live :(

    posting here because sometimes humans can be predators to chickens putting them in harms way! It never fails that every morning on April fools some idiot releases a bunch of chickens and roosters in a subdivision in my town. Last year the poor things did not fair well :( What few the by-law...
  7. jwood

    got my chicks today. Think i need to separate 2...blood on beak. quick advice please!

    oh no! sorry to hear! you have had bad luck with your hens?
  8. jwood

    got my chicks today. Think i need to separate 2...blood on beak. quick advice please!

    She died last night, poor thing. I'll email the farm supply store and let them know. On a brighter note the 5 others are doing well, happily eating, peeping, and pooping :)
  9. jwood

    got my chicks today. Think i need to separate 2...blood on beak. quick advice please!

    Well by some miracle this chick made it through the night. I took her to bed with me last night and had her snuggled in a towel. She seemed to perk up a bit and stopped gasping and started peeping. So I started force feeding her a bit of watered down chick starter through out the night. By 3am...
  10. jwood

    got my chicks today. Think i need to separate 2...blood on beak. quick advice please!

    i think it is too late...she is dying i have her in my lap in a towel...i tired to force feed her some water and watered down starter but she refuses...she is now gasping :( i dont know what to do :(
  11. jwood

    got my chicks today. Think i need to separate 2...blood on beak. quick advice please!

    Hi, So i picked up my 6 chicks this evening from the farm supply store and i am concerned about 2 of them. I guess the hatchery clipped the tops of their beaks? All 6 have a sore spot on their beaks but 2 are worse than the rest. The 2 i'm concerned about have actual blood from the clipping. The...
  12. jwood

    My ducks don't like being outside

    Thanks for the replies! they seem a little happier outside now. There has been a lot of snow melt and I have a small "pond" forming in the middle of our yard. They were pretty excited last night when I took them out of their run and they figured out they were going to the pond. They "ran" after...
  13. jwood

    My ducks don't like being outside

    Hi! So I bought myself 2 ducklings on Dec 21st. My Pekins are now 11 weeks old but I'm having a few issues with them. I'm not sure if their behaviour is just ducks in general or if its just my ducks. I live in Canada and we had a brutal winter this year with a lot of days in the -35 range...
  14. jwood

    Begging for helps with cats

    Maybe if you made a call to your local news or newspaper? Maybe if some people in the area hear your story they will offer to help? Some might come trap the cats for you or a die hard rescue may come and take them all. You never know. It's worth a shot.
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