Recent content by katlynd003

  1. K

    HELP!! Bloated baby goat

    Gus is now 14 weeks old! Growing & healthy as can be!
  2. K

    What gender are my chicks?

    Well it turned out #5 was a roo
  3. K

    What gender are my chicks?

    thanks!! So far 5 out of 11 are pullets!
  4. K

    What gender are my chicks?

    I got these chicks in May this year not sure what gender they are. Someone help me out, please!!! ONE TWO THREE BLACK (the lavender is the same as number 1) FOUR FIVE
  5. K

    What Breed is my Rooster?

    YES he is a pretty big Roo, but I love him he's not too rough with my hens and doesn't ever try to attack me.
  6. K

    What Breed is my Rooster?

    I have had this rooster for a while not sure what breed he is can anyone help me out
  7. K

    Should I clean hatching eggs?

    My hen just started setting on her eggs about a week ago, the eggs are really dirty should I try to clean them or just leave it?
  8. K

    What gender is my silkie?

    5 months old This is the only full body picture I have
  9. K

    What gender is my silkie?

    This picture is from about 2 weeks ago This picture is the same chicken but it is from a few days ago. Is it a male or female?
  10. K

    HELP!! Bloated baby goat

    What is a Lambar?
  11. K

    HELP!! Bloated baby goat

    Is this worms? I just washed it off of him it was right beside his tail. It looks like little seeds
  12. K

    HELP!! Bloated baby goat

    I switched him about a week ago off of calf milk replacer to a different kind (see picture) He is still bloating a little bit but I have got that under control. He has been having scours since yesterday. Today I gave him whole milk from the store instead of the milk replacer. He drank 2 6oz...
  13. K

    HELP!! Bloated baby goat

    Now he has the scours bad what can I do to help him get rid of them?
  14. K

    What gender are my silkies?

    I'm starting to think my silkie is a rooster now. Does it look like it is?
  15. K

    HELP!! Bloated baby goat

    Gus is enjoying the sun after his second bottle. No signs of bloating so far! Thanks everyone for the replies I will keep y'all updated!
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