Recent content by KaylaIsHere

  1. KaylaIsHere

    Best place to buy peafowl?

    There are a lot of places available but a few of the major ones are Legg’s, Hopkins Alternative Livestock, Bow’s Peafowl, and McMurray Hatchery. If you are looking for something closer, you might check the United Peafowl Association’s breeder list (listed by state). One of the members here...
  2. KaylaIsHere

    Do peacocks grieve for lost mate?

    Personally, when I lost my dear Princess I did notice that both Pete and Paloma were depressed for a while. I don’t think that they realized she wasn’t coming back, as they would fly to the highest point they could find and honk for her. After she did not appear they would go back to their pen...
  3. KaylaIsHere

    Feather dropped prematurely?

    Good to know! This is the first time I’ve seen a feather of such size drop and the blood threw me off a bit.
  4. KaylaIsHere

    Feather dropped prematurely?

    Today I found a massive feather from my male, Pete, that doesn’t look like it should’ve dropped yet. It looks like a primary feather and has a bit of blood on the tip of it. It also looks like the feather had not fully come in. I looked Pete over and there was no sign of injury or blood anywhere...
  5. KaylaIsHere

    New peahen shunned?

    I recently purchased 2 new peahens as my trio was reduced to a pair with the loss of my black shoulder hen, Princess. When first introduced, the resident female, Paloma, bullied both hens and chased them around a bit. After a couple days one of them integrated quite well with the flock, however...
  6. KaylaIsHere

    Show off your Peas!

    Quite! Got her from Legg’s 2020 hatch a little while ago
  7. KaylaIsHere

    Show off your Peas!

    Not as pretty as some, but here is a collection of photos I have taken of Pete (IB cock), Paloma (IB hen), Pearl (IBBS hen), and Petunia (cameo hen) over the past few months. And a bonus kitty!
  8. KaylaIsHere


    Perhaps some experts will chime in but it looks like a she to me based on the lacing and the fading of the barring. Cute chick!
  9. KaylaIsHere

    Critique my novice sexing

    Yeah, I was in the middle of hanging it when they decided to try it out. I took a few pictures and then told them to bugger off until I finished. Good eye, though!
  10. KaylaIsHere

    Critique my novice sexing

    Thank you! I do love how her colors turned out.
  11. KaylaIsHere

    Critique my novice sexing

    Welp, I think y’all might have been off with the BS! As you can see, she hasn’t darkened much (if any) and I would be very surprised to hear she was a cock at this point. She’s about 6 months now. Still love her, though! She just needed a name change...
  12. KaylaIsHere

    Critique my novice sexing

    Yes, it is 3 months. Thank you for the help!
  13. KaylaIsHere

    Critique my novice sexing

    Hey, I’ll take it. 2/3 ain’t half bad. What makes it obvious that the BS is a cock?
  14. KaylaIsHere

    Critique my novice sexing

    My chicks recently turned 3 months old and I have an idea of their sex, but would appreciate any other opinions/ideas on what they are. I think I might have one male IB, one female IB, and a female BS. I am not that confident, but these are my thoughts. This is the IB I believe is female...
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