Best place to buy peafowl?

Feb 3, 2021
We are looking into getting a few peafowl, but I dont know the best hatchery to buy them from. I know that there are a lot of dishonest people selling them. I am looking for Indian Blue. We are in Arizona if there are any breeders out there. Thanks!
There are a lot of places available but a few of the major ones are Legg’s, Hopkins Alternative Livestock, Bow’s Peafowl, and McMurray Hatchery. If you are looking for something closer, you might check the United Peafowl Association’s breeder list (listed by state). One of the members here, @KsKingBee, owns Spring Creek Peafowl (located in Kansas), although they don’t have an abundance of just India Blues if I recall correctly. With Spring coming soon you could also check your local Craigslist to see if anything pops up. Check it enough times and there’s bound to be someone.
We have a few 2020 pairs of IB's for $225 per pair plus postage and box. Or I know of a couple of private haulers. Since four yearlings will fit into a box you can save on postage when you get two pairs for $425 plus postage. Visit Spring Creek Peafowl on FB to see lots of pretty birds. Like Kaylaishere said we do mostly upper-end Spauldings and Colors but we also have a few of the common birds too.
Hi Turkey Girl - I am in Mesa and bought my peas from a breeder in the west valley. She had lots of different colors - I have an IB pair. If u pass along an email I can have her contact you.

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