Recent content by Kel2u

  1. K

    Why is my Rooster doing the submissive squat & can I keep two Roosters?

    Yes... they will be 14 weeks on Tuesday. I got all of them at the same time (3/9/23).
  2. K

    Why is my Rooster doing the submissive squat & can I keep two Roosters?

    Thank you! That will make my granddaughters so happy!
  3. K

    Why is my Rooster doing the submissive squat & can I keep two Roosters?

    The four chickens pictured below are 14 weeks old (Buff Orpington and Aquila). I was sure that Midnight (Aquila) and Sunny (Buff) are roosters however, Midnight started doing the submissive squat when I go into the run and try to pet him/her, and Sunny is VERY submissive to my entire flock. I...
  4. K

    First Time with Aquila's... Pullet or Roo?

    I got them from a local ranch store in the beginning of March. I was not specifically looking for them, it just kind of happened.
  5. K

    First Time with Aquila's... Pullet or Roo?

    We added to our little flock this year with 13 chicks. 🐣🐥🐤:love All are 5 weeks and so far, I am fairly confident that 12 out of the 13 are pullets. The exception is one of my two Aquila's. "Midnight," pictured below, already has a pink comb, while his sister's is grey and smaller, has thicker...
  6. K

    Lethargic Hen... Help

    UPDATE: Well, she laid an egg this morning and seems better today, although not entirely herself. I will keep a close eye on her.
  7. K

    Lethargic Hen... Help

    It has been very cold here... snowed yesterday and highs in the low 30's, lows in the teens. I have never dewormed my chickens... I guess that is something I should look into. I did not see mites or lice. My chickens do not free range... too many predators. I feed them crumbles with 16%...
  8. K

    Lethargic Hen... Help

    Yes, her comb may be a little paler than normal. How do you give chickens human calcium? I will google, but I am very new to chickens. This is my first issue. I hate it!!
  9. K

    Lethargic Hen... Help

    She laid yesterday, but not today, and that is normal for her. She is laying about 4-5 eggs a week right now, so I would be expecting one tomorrow. I will check her abdomen and vent in the morning, as she is already up to roost tonight. I was worried she wouldn't get up there, but she did! I...
  10. K

    Lethargic Hen... Help

    When I came home from work today and went to check on my flock I found one of my 7 month old Barred Rock hens lethargic. She is normally overly friendly and devours scratch when I give them some, but she would not eat and was moving slowly and only when I tried to get her. He head and neck are...
  11. K

    Will my Pullets lay eggs this Fall?

    I am hoping we will find more tomorrow so that there isn't a fight over it! If not.... :smack
  12. K

    Will my Pullets lay eggs this Fall?

    Update: We got our first egg!!:wee It was from one of our Easter Eggers, Cream puff! Its amazing how excited I am over one egg... now hopefully the rest will catch on! Thanks for all of the advice!
  13. K

    Will my Pullets lay eggs this Fall?

    The waiting IS the hard part!!
  14. K

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-23-22 Pic by Dr Evy

    Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
  15. K

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 09-23-22 Pic by Dr Evy

    Go ahead, make my day.
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