Recent content by kmmp

  1. kmmp


    Well, I've always raised Americaunas (love those birds). I did not know the red sex links were a cross between, so, did I buy red sex links or RIRs? You know, come to think of it, it just said "laying hens" on the pen! I did not think to ask, just was "jonesing" them thar eggs! I usually...
  2. kmmp


    Welcome Cadbury! We so cal folks need to keep in touch, maybe do egg exchanges? What breeds do you all have? kmmp
  3. kmmp


    I agree, total laying machines. The young man working there told me they were actually RIR/white leghorn mix...but, all my RIRs have always been varying degrees of red and light red with a few white feathers thrown in there! Yes, it has been cold, but I got three eggs out of two birds in less...
  4. kmmp


    Albertson's sells dry ice and so do most liquor stores. Thanks about the CO2 info. I was going to add that the gas is heavier and sinks to the bottom of the container and suffocates them, just like you said, but I didn't want to type that lazy. I am glad it is not poisonous to the...
  5. kmmp


    They are really sweet too. I like them and the eggs (ate them this morning) were just as good as ever! Now, they need to set an example for my lazy girls because those babes need to earn their keep! About the dry ice solution, I am not sure I would eat one of them, I do not know if the...
  6. kmmp


    I bought two RIR and they laid yesterday!!!! Fresh eggs again, I hope they will inspire the other hens. They were $20 a piece, but they will pay for themselves in 10 weeks! We are paying $3.99 a dozen for organic eggs here in Ramona. The dry ice treatment is really simple. Buy a large piece...
  7. kmmp


    Thanks for the kind words. I did consider writing the letter and everything, but my son is graduating and I think I am just going to move on. Maybe I'll write the letter over the Christmas break. Everyone was so busy passing the buck, they first tried to deny that chickens even eat dry...
  8. kmmp


    I did talk to the feed store and returned the uneaten feed (the sheep would not touch it...I knew something was wrong then). The representative from Krauses said the feed was tainted and something got into it at the plant. I called Krauses and they are just the distributer, they don't produce...
  9. kmmp


    Hey all, I am in Ramona. Anyone close in SD who needs a couple of Americauna Roos? I am overrun with roos and decimated on hens. Very pretty birds, I can post pics if interested. They would be free! Anyone in the area having trouble getting eggs lately? I haven't seen an egg since late...
  10. kmmp

    How many of you are experiencing a drop in egg production?

    I'm in California and haven't seen an egg in months! Went through a bad spell where most of flock poisoned by bad dry cob they stole from sheep. Only kept three hens, one is older. I have one juvenile hen, but usually they start laying at about 3 months. Only one molted and she is fully...
  11. kmmp

    Head moving rapidly now

    Thanks so much, I have a couple of hens now passing watery stool and they just stand in one spot. One stands in the sun, very still and closes her eyes. Tonight I will put them in with the others who are showing symptoms. I am giving Terramycin and electrolytes, started them this morning...
  12. kmmp

    Infected wound - Your advice requested

    Absolutely DO NOT PUT HER outside. The flies will lay eggs and before you know it she will have maggots. I had a chicken with a wound years ago who got the maggots because we did not know she had the wound. I cleaned out the maggots, actually sewed up the wound with needle and thread and then...
  13. kmmp

    Head moving rapidly now

    By the way, no vets in my area work on chickens! Being that it is Sunday and tomorrow is a holiday, I doubt I could find one in the area who would deal with my birds anyway....most of the vets I call say they can euthanize them and that is all.
  14. kmmp

    Head moving rapidly now

    My other roo is now sick with the same thing! My hens are now producing white watery poo. They free range and there is nothing new around the property except lots of foxtails this year, but they don't eat them. I washed their coop out last week and did a good scrubbing with water (no soap)...
  15. kmmp

    Head moving rapidly now

    He died, very rapidly, didn't have time to treat. It only seems to be affecting the roos and it is interesting that it was father and son, could be something genetic. The other roo and all females seem fine. I will worm them but they do not have any other parasites, no injuries, combs not...
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