Recent content by kpdov

  1. kpdov

    How to start a flock from juvenile pullets from different sources?

    We live in Pennsylvania so winters can get pretty cold. I think I'm going to adjust the coop size to 4'x6' and the run to 6'10'. I really like the idea of a dog crate or cat carrier as a temporary coop at night. We have both. Thanks for sharing how you integrated young pullets together. I'll...
  2. kpdov

    How to start a flock from juvenile pullets from different sources?

    The coop will be 2 feet off the ground to make the available run space actually 5x10'. That would be 10 sqft per chicken. Should I include the space under the run like I'm planning? The coop would have 3 sqft her chicken. I read 2 sqft and 4 sqft per chicken so I just went in the middle with...
  3. kpdov

    How to start a flock from juvenile pullets from different sources?

    Wow, a month or two? I was really hoping I could put them all together due to being young. What do people do when ordering different breeds of juveniles to start a new flock? Our coop is 3x5 and the run is 5x7. The chickens will mostly free range so I didn't build a huge coop.Could they be...
  4. kpdov

    How to start a flock from juvenile pullets from different sources?

    Hi Everyone - I'm new to chickens and starting a new flock in a couple of weeks. A friend of mine is raising chicks for me with her own chicks. Together, we have 5 Rhode Island Red female (sexed so we're hoping they are all females!) chicks that are now about 3 weeks old. I'll be getting 3 of...
  5. kpdov

    New to chickens & excited for my own flock

    Hi Everyone - I have been planning and researching chickens for over a year and now I'm ready for my babies to arrive. A friend of mine is raising 3 Rhode Island Red chicks for me with her own chickens. Then I decided I want more than 3 chickens, so I ordered 2 Cream Legbar juvenile pullets. In...
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