Recent content by labargeioson

  1. labargeioson

    Hen not laying eggs

    It's rare but it is possible that she won't ever lay. I've heard rare cases of birds never giving an egg. Most people then convert those to meat birds.
  2. labargeioson

    Submission in hens

    I make sure that I always give them pets and scratches when they submit. For my sexlink, that's the only way she let's me touch her, although she has gotten much more friendly since the "massacre". Now, if my serema bantie would cooperate, life would be grand. She hates people and certainly...
  3. labargeioson

    Submission in hens

    Yes, they are both laying as of two weeks ago.
  4. labargeioson

    Don't Leave Your Windows Open!

    We don't even need to open the windows for the chicks to think they belong in there! Recently, my neighbor's dog broke through the fence and slaughtered half of my flock. We've been rebuilding the flock and our two newest additions (Rhode Island Red and Americana) thik they belong inside! We we...
  5. labargeioson

    Submission in hens

    Ok, so here is an interesting question. Recently, my two full grown hens started a really strange behavior. When I approach them, the crouch down really low, spread their wings slightly, and stomp their feet on the ground....almost like a small seisure. Is this just a submissive bahavior?
  6. labargeioson

    Barred Rock laying significantly smaller eggs?

    Quote: Woo hoo! That makes me happy.
  7. labargeioson


    It would be rare for you to not see any evidence of an egg eater. Typically they will just crack and eat the shell (if they have a calcium deficiency in their diet). I had the same concerns (laying somewhere other than the nesting boxes) but my hens started laying right where I wanted them to. I...
  8. labargeioson

    Barred Rock laying significantly smaller eggs?

    The saga continues....Sunday morning, we received a small egg again. Later in the day, we expected a large dark brown egg from our sexlink and received a large light brown egg instead. I was thinking if we received another egg that day (hopefully a dark brown large egg) we'd have the mystery...
  9. labargeioson

    Barred Rock laying significantly smaller eggs?

    Her and my Sexlink started laying a day apart. The Sexlink's eggs are big and full, but two weeks of laying now and the PBR's eggs are still about 1/2 the size.
  10. labargeioson

    Flies in chicken coop

    I've also read that you can get wasps to control flies. They are non-stinging and safe for humans and animals. Their only job is to kill and eat flies and fly larvae.
  11. labargeioson

    what's the deal with fart eggs?

    It's odd that you bring this up since I was just reading this article: Hope this helps shed some light.
  12. labargeioson

    Barred Rock laying significantly smaller eggs?

    Good morning everyone. Recently two of my oldest birds began laying (horray!). My Goldne Sexlink is laying regular sized eggs, but I cannot distinguish who is laying the much smaller eggs. I believe that it's my Plymouth Barred Rock because she goes back to the coop early in the mornings and...
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