Recent content by lala134

  1. lala134

    3 Week old cockerel or pullet?

    Well, i have 23 pullets and one cockrel. I did order all pullets. I have two buckeyes that aren't feathering very fast. I am wondering about them as the 4 other buckeyes are feathered out more.
  2. lala134

    3 Week old cockerel or pullet?

    I keep hearing that roosters tend to be pretty rough on the girls and I will have to keep him housed separately unless i want them to breed. But there are others i see where the roosters are always with the girls. Not sure what to do when he gets older.
  3. lala134

    3 Week old cockerel or pullet?

    He is gorgeous!
  4. lala134

    3 Week old cockerel or pullet?

    I cant wait to see what he will look like when fully grown. I am already smitten!
  5. lala134

    2 pullets Aggressive to the newbies

    Try putting them in at night and gradually leave them in the coop for longer periods of time each day. during the day put them in a tractor near the others so they can see each other. This worked for me once.
  6. lala134

    3 Week old cockerel or pullet?

    Thank you maran man. I think he is the most beautiful chick I have right now. I am glad to hear they are usually very docile. Keeps this chicken mom looking forward to enjoying hearing him crow!
  7. lala134

    3 Week old cockerel or pullet?

    That is what ithought. Thank you so much! I have never seen a cockerel before now. I did order all females but hey hubby wanted a roo he will be so excited. As for me I am the one to care for them I just hope he will continue to be freindly the older he gets. He is usually one of the first...
  8. lala134

    3 Week old cockerel or pullet?

    I need help to identify this chick's sex. I have raised a flock of chicks before but they were sex linked pullets. This flock however I have four breeds 6 Barred Rock, 6 Delaware, 6 Buckeye, and 6 Dominique's. This chick I know for sure is a Barred Rock due to comb. But, I do not know if it...
  9. lala134

    Tiny Chick

    Thank you. I did as instructed this morning with hard boiled egg yolk. She ate some and drank some water. I returned an hour later to find her on her side, very weak, and breathing is labored. I don't know what happened in that hour but something sure had. I spent an hour watching her and...
  10. lala134

    Tiny Chick

    I do have her under heat lamp and she can get away if she needs to. She drinks fine. I do have a small stuffed toy in there now. I noticed her peeping really loudly (hurts my ears) I picked her up and held her in my hands next to the others and she quieted down. I will have to run to the...
  11. lala134

    Tiny Chick

    I recently received my second flock of chicks through the mail. I was pretty anxious when I did not receive them the next day as I had before(hatch date 5-20-13). Everything was ready for them so I was pretty excited to get them. I got a call 5-22-13 at 5:40 am. I work third shift so I rushed...
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