3 Week old cockerel or pullet?

I keep hearing that roosters tend to be pretty rough on the girls and I will have to keep him housed separately unless i want them to breed. But there are others i see where the roosters are always with the girls. Not sure what to do when he gets older.
Thank you he will definitely breed but the ratio is one rooster every ten hens but I have two roosters for 14 hens and they are just find but with any less yes they are ruff on ladies the can get over bread or very timid and if you just want eggs to eat I say seperate home or he will leave a fertile dot in the egg
Well, i have 23 pullets and one cockrel. I did order all pullets. I have two buckeyes that aren't feathering very fast. I am wondering about them as the 4 other buckeyes are feathered out more.

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