3 Week old cockerel or pullet?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 25, 2013

I need help to identify this chick's sex. I have raised a flock of chicks before but they were sex linked pullets. This flock however I have four breeds 6 Barred Rock, 6 Delaware, 6 Buckeye, and 6 Dominique's. This chick I know for sure is a Barred Rock due to comb. But, I do not know if it is a cockerel or a pullet. I believe it is a cockerel as my other chicks do not look anything like this one. This chick has more white feathers, a large comb and hardly any black on it's legs. Today I noticed that this chick's waddles are coming in and none of the others are doing this. Thank you for your help!!
That is what ithought. Thank you so much! I have never seen a cockerel before now. I did order all females but hey hubby wanted a roo he will be so excited. As for me I am the one to care for them I just hope he will continue to be freindly the older he gets. He is usually one of the first ones to come to my hand to perch.
He is definitely handsome and barred rocks are usually very docile well best of luck keep us updated
Thank you maran man. I think he is the most beautiful chick I have right now. I am glad to hear they are usually very docile. Keeps this chicken mom looking forward to enjoying hearing him crow!
I cant wait to see what he will look like when fully grown. I am already smitten!

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