Recent content by Lawnjocky

  1. Lawnjocky

    early layer

    So now I'm getting an egg every two days from the Easter eggers. They are slated to start laying second week in July. I even got a couple of double yokes. Fun hobby! :cd
  2. Lawnjocky

    early layer

    Yes, iron skillet lite butter for non sticking, and yummmmmy fried farm raised egg.
  3. Lawnjocky

    early layer

    One of my americaunus. She's laid three more since. She's being very boisterous.
  4. Lawnjocky

    early layer

    Wow, a couple of days ago, one of my hens started laying one small egg a day. They aren't supposed to start laying until the first of July. Not complaining. She has done so the last two days! Delicious but small.
  5. Another angle

    Another angle

  6. My new chicken run

    My new chicken run

  7. Lawnjocky

    Chicken Painting

    I would love to sell it to you! But I don't want to use this site for solicitating! Lol
  8. Lawnjocky

    Chicken Painting

    Hey yall Thought I'd share a painting I did It's acrylic on stretched canvas. And measures 16"X20". I do sell my art but I'm not soliciting. Great theme for this site
  9. Lawnjocky

    Can you help me identify my hens

    Thanks SOOO much. That really helps three of my girls have those ear muffs!
  10. Lawnjocky

    Comment by 'Lawnjocky' in article 'Happychickengirlss Coop'

    That's great. I did the same thing, kinda. My first. I built a chicken run around a coop I bought. It's perfect for sitting in the area with the hens. Your design looks easy enough. Kudos. There might be a pic of mine on my profile
  11. Lawnjocky

    Can you help me identify my hens

    Thank you for that kelsie 2290, that's what I was supposed to have. I bought two Easter Eggers and two RIR, he threw in an extra EE, because she had a deformed foot. She's my fave, actually. Are the EEers americaunus? :bun
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