Can you help me identify my hens

Thanks you. My thought so. I should have three of those, various breeds, and two of the Rhode Island reds. Do I need to change the avatar for each? The photos are on my profile, and I'm trying to get them all up so everyone can see and help..
In the avatar photo the two birds most immediately behind this bird are also Easter Eggers and the birds behind those do appear to be red breeds of some sort - to be positive that they are,in fact, RIR a photo showing them more fully would help as there are a few red breeds commonly confused with or sold as RIR that are not actually RIR.
Thanks soooo much. One of the Easter eggers had some crooked toes so the breeder gave her to me because they have quality standards and couldn't sell her as that quality. She's my fave so far.
I've got a better pic of 4 of the five Hans. Easter Eggers, I'm told, are three of them. The two reds are Rhode Island Reds? :yiipchick
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X3 looks like you have Easter Eggers and if they have single combs, Production Reds/ hatchery Rhode Island Reds.
Thank you for that kelsie 2290, that's what I was supposed to have. I bought two Easter Eggers and two RIR, he threw in an extra EE, because she had a deformed foot. She's my fave, actually. Are the EEers americaunus? :bun
They would be Easter Eggers ... Easter Eggers are probably the most popular colored egg layer there is, they are mixes with usually one of two breeds (Ameraucana/Araucana) in their ancestry, a lot of commercial hatcheries and feed stores etc will sell them incorrectly as Ameraucana/Araucana… if you are looking mostly just for colored eggs, they are a wonderful choice for a laying flock. Ameraucana and Araucana are two different breeds that have strict written standards, dealing with color and their physical description that the birds have to match to be considered as their respective breeds. and are the websites for the parent clubs, they have write ups on their facts pages about the differences between them all. .. Mostly Araucana have ear tufts and no tails, Ameraucana have beards and muffs and tails. Both breeds have long threads on BYC and

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