Recent content by leonie

  1. leonie

    Will a turkey be a surrogate mother?

    My turkey stag was the mother to my batch of ducklings. He was a better mum than the rest of them!
  2. leonie

    Close call on impulse buy (Turkey)

    My turkeys are free range with my chickens. The stag is quite handy as he breaks up the cocks when they're squabbling. He's like the local sheriff
  3. leonie

    FRESH MEAT!! I need Help!

    I've got a great bond with my turkey stag (he's such a sweetheart) and I didnt have him from an egg - I can't remember how old he was, but he was a decent size, but not quite adult. I'm sure that hatching them yourself helps with the bonding, but it might be easier to just buy some young...
  4. leonie

    So new to this and I have a question

    It could be fertile. I've read that hens can lay fertile eggs for at least 2 weeks after mating. I'm not sure about the hatching though. I can't see why your hen would sit on just one egg. I imagine she'd wait to collect a whole bunch before she started sitting.
  5. leonie

    Who's hatching 6/10 also broodys due 5/27 hatching, 6/3, 6/5,

    I have two turkeys hatching on June 10th
  6. leonie

    Free Range Red Golden Pheasants????

    I've been wondering the same. Theres almost a dozen pheasants (males and females) that roam around one of my paddocks eating the pig pellets. I'd quite like to introduce some other colours or just some more females to boost their population. I'm just not sure how'd I'd release them into the...
  7. leonie

    Do you recognise this duck?

    My grandad gave me this drake years ago, and we've never known what breed it is. I've asked a few friends, but their best guesses have always been khaki campbell, and rouen. I'd like to know what you think
  8. leonie

    Turkey with Muscovy

    It's my first time incubating and I set some turkey eggs with muscovy eggs. Now I'm wondering whether it was a bad idea. I candled a turkey egg last night and I can see the veins so I think it's developing okay. However, I read that muscovy eggs take a week longer to hatch. I have an automatic...
  9. leonie


    I've recently purchased my first incubator and I set my first batch of eggs into my incubator a few days ago. I've got some old poultry so I thought I'd give it a go just to see if I could get some hatchlings out of them to keep the older birds company and to save their bloodline. Just thought...
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