Recent content by LizzychicksDottyhen

  1. LizzychicksDottyhen

    What could of killed my chickens

    Probably a stoat. They can fit through even 1 inch small holes.
  2. LizzychicksDottyhen

    Ataxia - HELP please 8 week cockerel

    We did have a heat wave, and that day was the hottest, over 33°c so I wandered if maybe he was dehydrated hes been drinking from a syringe but not alot, and not any improvement. Im just waiting for some liquid vits to arrive in the post. He has been enjoying wet bread so hopefully that will help...
  3. LizzychicksDottyhen

    Ataxia - HELP please 8 week cockerel

    Feel soo bad for my poor little chap. Its soo hard to tell what it is thats caused this. He is not paralysed but cannot stand or walk for more than a few moments without toppling over. And he keeps panting too. He is bright and well otherwise. Just two days ago he was marching around proud and...
  4. LizzychicksDottyhen

    Ataxia - HELP please 8 week cockerel

    Is there anything I can give him? As I said he was fine yesterday running and playing, its come on over night..
  5. LizzychicksDottyhen

    Ataxia - HELP please 8 week cockerel

    Hi, after some urgent advise, my 8 week cockerel was perfect yesterday, today has acute ataxia. He is walking about to stay with mum but sits down as soon as he stops. Cant jump or walk far without falling over. His legs shake if you pick him up. Seems well otherwise, although this is making him...
  6. LizzychicksDottyhen

    Pekin banties, pullets or rues please?

    This is my little yellow chick and Im trying to decide what gender it is! They are 5 weeks. Two are certainly roos but this yellow one's comb has started to pink yesterday, how the others looked a week ago. It hatched first, feathered first and has always been the biggest. So I wander is it a...
  7. LizzychicksDottyhen

    Pekin Pullets vs Cockerels and what colour are they?

    Hi all you probably get this all the time but can anyone please tell me if my little yellow chick is a pullet or cock, they are 5 weeks yesterday, I have put up comparisons with my two certain cockerels, their combs started to change colour at 4 weeks. This yellow ones come is a little pink, so...
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