Recent content by LoriE

  1. LoriE

    Does Taking Dust Baths Indicate Age?

    Hi! I am unsure of the age of my pullets (farmer only told me 12-16 weeks). One of my pullets, an Araucana, seems larger than the others -- and more mellow. She is the first and only one that is dust bathing. Does the bathing indicate she is older than the others?
  2. LoriE

    Check out this automatic pop door -- can be controlled by iPhone!

    Quote: Ooh, you might have a virus. Works fine for me when I click through the link, but DH is slightly obsessed with virus-scanning our computer.....<grin>
  3. LoriE

    Check out this automatic pop door -- can be controlled by iPhone!

    Pretty cool idea!
  4. LoriE

    Feedback on Learning Center "Treats Chart"

    Quote: Yes, I typed it up really nicely with a few cute graphics and made it as a PDF. I wish a BYC administrator would post it as a downloadable attachment in a sticky somewhere. hint, hint. In the meantime, just email me or PM me with your email address and I can email it to you. I just...
  5. LoriE

    Feedback on Learning Center "Treats Chart"

    Is there any place that has this list in a "printable" format? I'd love to put it on my fridge, along with a list of the "not allowed" foods.....
  6. LoriE

    How Long to Domesticate Pullets?

    Hi! We just got some pullets this past weekend. How long will it take to "befriend" them? They are pretty calm, but don't come running when I come to the coop or anything that I hear other chickens do. Will it affect the process since they were pullets and not chicks when we got them...
  7. LoriE

    Playhouse Conversion Complete -- Girls are here!

    Sorry for the delay in getting this posted. I completed the retrofitting of our wooden slat playhouse just in time for the pullets to come home on Sat. First, I put ODB inside all the walls, door, and window shutters: I also built an interior nestbox that is accessible from the outside...
  8. LoriE

    Sprinkler for Water Supply?

    We currently have a capped (non-used) sprinkler head in our new chicken coop/run area. Has anyone ever figured out a way to use the sprinkler system to provide water to the chickens via pressure valve, etc to fill the waterers? Lori
  9. LoriE

    Playhouse Conversion Complete -- Getting Chickens Tomorrow!

    I am excited (and exhausted), but the coop and run are ready for getting our 4 pullets tomorrow. Too dark for pics tonight, so I will have to post pics in the morning. Paint is still drying, but linoleum, bedding, nest material, food and water are ready to go in tomorrow morning.... How...
  10. LoriE

    FREE Corrugated Plastic Roofing Sheets - Reno/Lake Tahoe

    Here is a bargain if any of you are in the Reno/Tahoe area:
  11. LoriE

    Playhouse Conversion Update and Questions

    Can anyone answer some of the other questions? Anyway, on to the questions. First off, I live in the high desert (NV at about 4700' elevation). Is there any reason to raise the house off the ground since we don't have any sort of water issues here? Should I cover under the bottom (on the...
  12. LoriE

    Playhouse Conversion Update and Questions

    Quote: Sorry for the confusion. The roof covers to the peak, but not the tar paper. So there's 1/8"-1/4" spaces between the slats that let air in for the top 12" or so near the apex. Does that help?
  13. LoriE

    Playhouse Conversion Update and Questions

    Quote: Sorry for the bad pic (I guess). It's actually a 4-decker yellow jacket nest <LOL>. Still a snake would have been cool.......<grin> Lori
  14. LoriE

    Playhouse Conversion Update and Questions

    Hi! So our conversion from wooden playhouse to coop is underway. We have gutted the interior: And removed the roof which we discovered already has tar paper down the center (not the apex or the overhang): And here's the almost-finished run (6'x7'x4'): And look what we found buried...
  15. LoriE

    Playhouse into Coop -- Help for Newbie!

    Quote: Thanks for the feedback re: water infiltration. Luckily, we live in the desert, and don't have any kind of moisture problems around here. Those chix aren't going to have any problems finding a source for dust baths <grin>! Lori
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