Feedback on Learning Center "Treats Chart"

You need to add Zuchini to the treat chart. Every so often I grate raw zuchini on a cheese grater and they LOVE the stuff... They go nuts over it!!!

They eat whole zuchini too though as long as I expose some of the veggie flesh underneath the outer skin and they take bites out of it.

Great idea with the cheese grater. If I think about it, that is a good idea for a lot of the veggies & fruits, etc. I will certainly add that to the next update. Thanks for the addition.
Newbie question here! In the Treats Chart I see cabbage and brussel sprouts, and in the toxic plant list it has cabbage listed. I just gave my girls some cabbage, should I be worried?
Good question. I haven't seen the toxicity info on cabbage, but I have read a lot of posts about people hanging a whole head of cabbage for their chickens to play with & eat. So....
i also use the cheese grater for carrots and mix with yoghurt which my girls lap up it also makes the yolk a nice colour.
i also use the cheese grater for carrots and mix with yoghurt which my girls lap up it also makes the yolk a nice colour.

I grated up some carrots yesterday TOO. They absolutely loved them. Devoured in a matter of seconds it seemed like.
I found out today that a little cereal (low sugar) mixed in with the plain yogurt made it easier for the chickens to peck at and less of the head swoosh on the ground to wipe their beaks with.

Also, is a little bit of high quality cat food okay? I just scoop up the crumbs from my multifeeder for the cats (since they don't eat them anyways) and put them out for the chickens.

I think the protein is helping them with feather growth-or at least with pecking at each others feathers.
Is there any place that has this list in a "printable" format? I'd love to put it on my fridge, along with a list of the "not allowed" foods.....
Yes, I typed it up really nicely with a few cute graphics and made it as a PDF. I wish a BYC administrator would post it as a downloadable attachment in a sticky somewhere. hint, hint.
In the meantime, just email me or PM me with your email address and I can email it to you.
Yes, I typed it up really nicely with a few cute graphics and made it as a PDF. I wish a BYC administrator would post it as a downloadable attachment in a sticky somewhere. hint, hint.
In the meantime, just email me or PM me with your email address and I can email it to you.

I just PM'd you! Thanks for doing this!


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