Recent content by magdalen13

  1. magdalen13

    Yikes, unexpected chicks-is cardboard bosx OK?

    Wow, I knew asking you guys would bring great results. So creative... I can do the window screen thing easily, there is a spare hanging out in the shed. Thankfully on the waterer/feed they were delivered with one of those Tractor Supply starter kits, not great but it will do for a few days, and...
  2. magdalen13

    Yikes, unexpected chicks-is cardboard bosx OK?

    Thanks Fred. I know what you mean as I have had a heat lamp fall in the coop once this winter and it was very scary. Now they are double & triple secured. I don't know what the one on the chicks is like right now but I will be sure it's secure tonight.
  3. magdalen13

    Yikes, unexpected chicks-is cardboard bosx OK?

    hmm good call. I think I have an empty rubbermaid tub somewhere
  4. magdalen13

    Yikes, unexpected chicks-is cardboard bosx OK?

    It's a long story why we are getting chicks unprepared, but they have arrived. Just 6, and right now they are under a heat lamp in the cardboard box they came in on the unheated front porch. DH thought that was better than the drafty unheated entry to the main coop. Bad thing here is, we have...
  5. magdalen13

    Two black roos free to good home-- UP of Michigan, canNOT ship

    We've recently taken in a whole flock of production red hens from a family member who had no winter coop for them, and they came with two black roosters who are not getting along with our existing roos. So they are free for the taking. Sorry, I cannot ship, so this must be to someone willing...
  6. magdalen13

    New member from the UP of Michigan

    Wow, thanks all for the lovely welcomes! I will indeed check out the Michigan & winterizing posts, thanks :-) Yes, it's pretty well here already -- Freezing temps at night, but no snow yet, shockingly. Also, Gallo, I love your Tom Waits quote. Michickenwrangler, oh yeah! I know where that is :-)...
  7. magdalen13

    New member from the UP of Michigan

    Hi BYC! I've been reading tons of forum posts and thought it was about time to introduce myself. We just bought a small rural home in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan this summer, and it came complete with a large chicken coop. We had bought local farm eggs for a while and thought it would be...
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