Recent content by ManDash

  1. ManDash

    Need a man's point of view

    I am a man and the chickens are mine more than my wife's at our house and I say NO. I agree with darkmatter: If you would let them roost in your living room, the maybe he will be ok with them in his garage. Between the poop, flies, smell, dust, noise and space issues, I do not know which would...
  2. ManDash

    Looking for Winter Advice- What do you wish you had known

    This thread might be a bit old but I read through it and I have a few different suggestions. 1. If you leave a open hole to bring air in to the coop, you can attach a black tube that runs near window (sunlight) to warm the air on the way in. 2. Also, if you have a good window you can put up a...
  3. ManDash

    Heat Index 110 :O

    Temperatures are the same here and mine have been hanging out along the edges of the yard in the shade. I have also been freezing a container of water each night and after lunch I will put it out in their bowl to melt and keep the water cool. They seem to be doing better out there all day than...
  4. ManDash

    Favorite treats for your chickens

    We ate some corn on the cob yesterday and threw in the leftover cobs. They went crazy and fighting each other for them. The next time I went outside they came running for more.
  5. ManDash

    What food treats do you use for chickens?

    On a hot summer day, they go crazy over the melon rinds and seeds/innards. I have also noticed preference differences between the chickens. I would advise that you try different things and see what they respond to. other favorites include: tortillas, blueberries, mealworms and grass clippings.
  6. ManDash

    Introducing dogs to chickens...?

    I am starting with a grown dog and new adult hens. He is very excitable, but I know he can be trained. One thing we do is to not leave him out with the chickens unattended. We started with the chickens in the coop and fenced run for a couple weeks. He did not seem too excited. Next we are...
  7. ManDash

    my new coop, first time chicken keeper

    puts mine to shame... Will they be able to free range during the day or will they be contained?
  8. ManDash

    Look at what I found when I opened the coop this morning!

    Looks like a black rat snake, about 6.5' long. weird that is was already dead. had you noticed an issues with your chickens or decrease in egg production?
  9. ManDash

    What do your neighbors think about your chickens?

    One of my wife's conditions* upon our getting of chickens was that I talk to the neighbors first. I think this was very helpful. Most seemed pretty excited/neutral about the whole situation. After having them a while, I was talking to a few and some were surprised since they hadn't even...
  10. ManDash

    Neighbor's chickens over here. Mad as Heck!

    There are some pretty sweet airsoft guns out there that would hurt, but not harm them. Or you could just try to train them to stay in your own separate run and keep their eggs for yourself.
  11. ManDash

    question about nesting box height

    I designed a coop with the nesting boxes and the roosts at the same height. For the first few nights I had the new hens, two were roosting in the nesting box, so I would move them to the roost. After about 5 days they started all roosting in the correct place (I am still waiting for eggs). It...
  12. ManDash

    New to chickens and hens not laying well.

    I am new to this too and am super anxious about when my new hens will start laying (and where). I have had my girls for about 10 days and every day I think will be the day, but not yet... I have 3 RIR.
  13. ManDash

    I live near Kansas City

    I live in Kansas City, KS (near KU med) if anyone wants to get together and talk chickens. I am brand new to this and would love to visit a local success.
  14. ManDash

    Green house & coop in one?

    I know this is an older thread, but I decided to post anyway. I am new to chickens (and to greenhouses) but I have designed my coop to have a nesting box that removes and plugs in to the greenhouse. I will be experimenting throughout the upcoming winter. I will update this post as time goes...
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