Recent content by mariska

  1. mariska

    My buttons are incubation eggs!

    Was just reading through some of these threads ! I just wanted to mention that our 1st hatching went very well, with both Mom & Dad taking care of the 8 chicks... But our Broody Hen, began laying eggs again after about 3 weeks, all was well, even the Chicks kept the eggs warm... BUT, when the...
  2. mariska

    so what buttons are they day 3

    Well I'm sorry to hear that, may nature's enjoyment give you strength.
  3. mariska

    New Button Quail Hatchlings

    Well I have another video to share ..... They are now 9 days old and growing. If you click "HD" the video should look better, I appologize for the dog walking right in front of me :) The babies look like they are just starting to get feathers in! Click Link for Video: And a few family...
  4. mariska

    so what buttons are they day 3

    Thank you, I so cherish being able to watch them everyday.... my aviary has been a god send to my husband since he became disabled a year ago August.. we love sitting and watching all the birds and their antics. :)
  5. mariska

    New Button Quail Hatchlings

    Thank you, they are such a joy to watch!
  6. mariska

    so what buttons are they day 3

    I will try and get some new photos also very soon. Our chicks are now 7 days old :) they are all eating and drinking well. this is the link of the video on day one: Click on HD for better focus.
  7. mariska

    My buttons are incubation eggs!

    Thank you both for your response's. Red Squirrel they are really cute babies, Congratulations! GrandmaBird- well now with just the one baby, you get to really spoil it don't you :) and thank you for the info on FaceBook I will definitely check that out.
  8. mariska

    so what buttons are they day 3

    Wow it's amazing how fast they grow.... I have 8 chicks right now that are 2 days old.. i'd better keep my camera out because I can see they grow fast.. :)
  9. mariska

    My buttons are incubation eggs!

    I am new to this site, our pair has also just hatched chicks in our indoor aviary :) I wanted to see how your's are doing. I have a video that I took 2 days ago, the day the chicks were hatched... I to have many questions ?? Let me know how things are going for you ok. Click on HD for...
  10. mariska

    Hello from Illinois

    Thank you all for your "Welcome and Hello's" I have posted a small video of our new button quail chicks if you would like to see them.... they are "Cute as a Button" wishing you all a wonderful Weekend.
  11. mariska

    New Button Quail Hatchlings

    Thank you for your great information. I have been grinding the starter food, and I have a jar lid for water. Ive put pebbles in the lid to prevent them from falling in and getting wet or god forbid drawn out of panic. They really are "cute as a button" I'm not sure what to do once they are...
  12. mariska

    New Button Quail Hatchlings

    Ok, I have taken a video of the chicks.... they are exploring as much as mom and dad will let them... she's truly a mother hen :) this morning they were all eating the ground up starter food, and exploring the waterer that I put together from a Jar lid and some stones... I hope this video attaches
  13. mariska

    Hello from Illinois

    Thank you for the information... I've been trying to figure out the navigation on this site.
  14. mariska

    Hello from Illinois

    I'm a newbie here.. We have a pair of button quail in our Aviary! they are so much fun to watch..... the hen has layed eggs, and this morning there were 3 hatchlings. Looking for help for some questions I have. Thank You
  15. mariska

    New Button Quail Hatchlings

    Well this is my first experience with Button Quail Hatchlings and I have Questions !! The Hen actually sat on the eggs and hatched them herself. I have my pair in a rather large Avairy and I'm not sure what to do from here with the babies.... I'd like to be able to let Mother Nature do the...
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