New Button Quail Hatchlings


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 14, 2013
Well this is my first experience with Button Quail Hatchlings and I have Questions !!

The Hen actually sat on the eggs and hatched them herself. I have my pair in a rather large Avairy and I'm not sure what to do from here with the babies.... I'd like to be able to let Mother Nature do the work, but I don't want the babies in harms way if that will not work with Button Quail. As of right now the babies are staying warm with mom and dad doesn't seem to mind.
Do I move them to a brooder cage?
I plan on suppling special feeder for starter food for the babies..... any advise right now would be very appreciated.
Thank you....

Ok, I have taken a video of the chicks.... they are exploring as much as mom and dad will let them... she's truly a mother hen :)
this morning they were all eating the ground up starter food, and exploring the waterer that I put together from a Jar lid and some stones...
I hope this video attaches
Very cute! If the mom and dad are taking care of them you do not need to remove them. just be sure to have fresh water and finely ground food for them. When it is time for them to leave the aveiry mom and dad will let you know by the way they act, that should happen at between 6-10 weeks. Good luck and enjoy they grow way too fast! do give them grit and oyster shell as well but be sure it is super fine almost powder. and congratulations!
My hen just hatched one chick so it is a bit lonely. mom and dad take great care of baby.
Very cute! If the mom and dad are taking care of them you do not need to remove them. just be sure to have fresh water and finely ground food for them. When it is time for them to leave the aveiry mom and dad will let you know by the way they act, that should happen at between 6-10 weeks. Good luck and enjoy they grow way too fast! do give them grit and oyster shell as well but be sure it is super fine almost powder. and congratulations!
My hen just hatched one chick so it is a bit lonely. mom and dad take great care of baby.
Thank you for your great information. I have been grinding the starter food, and I have a jar lid for water. Ive put pebbles in the lid to prevent them from falling in and getting wet or god forbid drawn out of panic. They really are "cute as a button"

I'm not sure what to do once they are removed from mom and dad, I wasn't really planning on babies being born thats why I didn't put eggs in an incubator, let alone all so far surviving and happy as they are? And the process of sexing? I will have to learn that also..
I hope you won't mind if I ask you questions in the near future. oh and thank you for telling me to grind the grit/oyster shell, I currently have it in a bowl that the mom & dad can get into.... would it be ok to put the ground up grit with the feed for the babies? I look forward to hearing from you.... and again thank you for your help..
you can add a tiny bit of the ground oyster shell to the food but the chick will find it if they can get into mom and dads bowls.
As for what to do with the chicks, you have a while to figure that out. About 6-8 weeks at a minimum and for sure by 10 weeks. You could start looking now by posting on craigslist just that you have buttons for sale or free which ever you decide, note if selling they usually get about $5.00 each is all so if you can find them a good home I wouldn't worry about the $$.
As for colors and sexing I would wait for 6-7 weeks and then you can post photos here or on the button quail face book page and we will be happy to help.
and ask away that is the only way to learn!
Well I have another video to share ..... They are now 9 days old and growing. If you click "HD" the video should look better, I appologize for the dog walking right in front of me :) The babies look like they are just starting to get feathers in!

Click Link for Video:

And a few family photos at 9 days Old.


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