Recent content by Mattake2

  1. Mattake2

    Can you tell if a egg is fertilized or not?

    It's difficult for an untrained eye but you can crack one egg, then empty it onto a plate. If the egg is fertilized, a tiny dark spot is visible (which is the sperm). This process wastes the egg, unless you want to fry it up with some taters but will let you know if the other eggs are also...
  2. Mattake2

    Need some roosting help

    I've got a few relatives that frighten me... maybe a guinea would think the same! Anybody else ever dealt with this problem?
  3. Mattake2

    Need some roosting help

    I have a carport that 2 of my vehicles are parked in. Since it is covered & high in the air... it is lucrative to my guineas to roost on top of my rig. You see the problem with this I'm sure. How do I get them to find a better spot? Would an owl decoy work? My Toyota's paint job would...
  4. Mattake2

    Boiling Green Eggs

    Add a ton of salt to your water. I've also heard baking soda but I've never tried it.
  5. Mattake2

    When should i start transferring to the brooder?

    Usually, I move mine after about 12 hours or so. Sometimes sooner because they run into the other eggs & I'm afraid they'll bump their noggins on the heating element in my incubator.
  6. Mattake2

    Hatching Eggs Early??**LOTS OF PICS**PG2 100%!!!!!!!!!!

    I had 2 RIRs hatch 2 days early but yours are like a new record!
  7. Mattake2

    Hard boiled eggs without peeling

    Good stuff! Reminds me of a rumor about how the lady at A&W used to make their hamburger patties. Allegedly, she would get a ball of hamburger & put it under her armpit them squeeze... thus making a patty... I think that was just to convince us that we needed to eat at home but I may be...
  8. Mattake2

    No bake recipes

    Quote: Aren't those called "haystacks"?
  9. Mattake2

    Cock fertility

    My hens were originally without a rooster. When I added "Cranky" the XXL buff orp, my eggs were fertile within about 10 days. I say 10 because I took an egg each day & put it in the bator. I candled each of them about a week later & the fertile ones arrived on about day 9. Just my experience.
  10. Mattake2

    to all you moms with shared children.

    I'm a single dad but I can totally relate. Hopefully ya'll are able to be civil to one another like my ex-wife & I are. It certainly makes an impact on the kiddos! Peace.
  11. Mattake2

    Hatcher's DO I NEED ONE???? and What exactly are they????? HELP!!!!!!

    Definitely! It's called an incubator or "bator". Little Giant makes one & so does Hova-Bator. The Little Giants are cheaper & they all do the same thing.
  12. Mattake2

    This is going to be a problem

    What about those dog strollers that I see old women pushing their poodles & yorkies in?
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