Recent content by Mini-Daisy

  1. Mini-Daisy

    2 new Easter egger hens with pale comb and one coughs

    Guess I need to be a bit more patient, but to my surprise they have layed already each one egg in the last past 3 days which is more than the average of of 1 egg in 6 to 7 days that they layed in the past weeks. Maybe they are slowly settling in, the weather has been warmer lately as well so...
  2. Mini-Daisy

    2 new Easter egger hens with pale comb and one coughs

    I see, so that could be another reason why they don’t lay well... We basically didn’t want to purchase any chickens, but after two hens (which we had raised since they hatched as chicks) were killed by a stray dog we decided to buy 2 hens so we won’t be short on eggs. Thank you again for your...
  3. Mini-Daisy

    2 new Easter egger hens with pale comb and one coughs

    First of all thank you very much !! She does not have watery/foamy eyes, nasal drainage or any other obvious symptoms, besides the coughing. I was suspecting mites as well so I dusted her and inspected her body, but again there seemed to be no problem. I feed them a layer feed (it’s a...
  4. Mini-Daisy

    2 new Easter egger hens with pale comb and one coughs

    As the title states, we purchased 2 hens and were assured the hens were healthy and currently laying eggs. They are allegedly 9 to 12 month old. The black hen sometimes makes weird coughing like sounds and her comb seems quite pale to me, but she does eat and drink well. The other hen is...
  5. Mini-Daisy

    When will my EE hen start laying ?

    Small update: Sully has finally payed her first egg today:celebrate:wee
  6. Mini-Daisy

    When will my EE hen start laying ?

    :lol: My hen might feel the same soon, but I’m afraid she might need to get used to the measurement if she’s not going to lay any time soon haha.
  7. Mini-Daisy

    When will my EE hen start laying ?

    I see, Guess I really just need to be more patient :rolleyes::). Lately the weather has gotten warmer which gave me hopes of getting my first eggs soon.
  8. Mini-Daisy

    When will my EE hen start laying ?

    Oh I didn’t really know i could measure that, thank you so much! About the day length I will just have to wait more since it lately has been around 11 hours I would say, but it’s increasing. Thanks again for the information
  9. Mini-Daisy

    When will my EE hen start laying ?

    Oh wow haha:eek: ok thank you so much for answering ! I’m a bit relieved it’s not just my pullet, but it’s so hard to wait that long. Hope our hens won’t take that long :fl
  10. Mini-Daisy

    When will my EE hen start laying ?

    Hello, My hen Sulley has yet to lay her first egg (she’s around 5 months old) and seems to be not planning on laying any eggs soon, or at least that’s what I’m thinking and I was wondering what the reason for that could be. Since around two month it has been cold here,but she has been dealing...
  11. Mini-Daisy

    HELP! frostbite pox or something else ??

    My laying hen Mini had some grayish spots on her comb this morning when I checked on her and the other chickens. Her behavior is as normal, eating and drinking well talkative as always so her behavior showed no signs of any problem,but the color of her comb is worrying me. It has gotten...
  12. Mini-Daisy

    Easter Egger cockerel or pullet?

    Thank you. When I bought the eggs I was told they are Easter Eggers and Sulley hatched out of an blueish egg so I assumed it must be true.
  13. Mini-Daisy

    Easter Egger cockerel or pullet?

    Update on Sulley now 10 weeks old. Wattles and Comb turning red and feathers on head and neck are changing color which makes me really worried she might be a he after all.
  14. Mini-Daisy

    Easter Egger cockerel or pullet?

    Thank you all very very much!
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