HELP! frostbite pox or something else ??


In the Brooder
Jul 2, 2018
South Korea
My laying hen Mini had some grayish spots on her comb this morning when I checked on her and the other chickens.

Her behavior is as normal, eating and drinking well talkative as always so her behavior showed no signs of any problem,but the color of her comb is worrying me.
It has gotten pretty cold the last days and the sun is barely shinning so I was wondering if it’s maybe frostbite? It has rained a lot too the last days and the run is still quite muddy, but it doesn’t appear to be dirt on her comb. Except for her my other chickens and chicks (all Easter Eggers) show no discoloration in their combs.

Can anyone help me out ?
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The dark color very well could be mild frostbite. It could heal on it’s own without treatment, but if it is deep into tissue, the comb tips may become rounded off in the future. It would be good to keep moisture down, yet have good overhead air circulation to allow moisture to escape the coop. Toes and feet can become frostbitten when there are water spills and feet get wet during freezing temperatures. Here is some reading about frostbite:
The dark color very well could be mild frostbite. It could heal on it’s own without treatment, but if it is deep into tissue, the comb tips may become rounded off in the future. It would be good to keep moisture down, yet have good overhead air circulation to allow moisture to escape the coop. Toes and feet can become frostbitten when there are water spills and feet get wet during freezing temperatures. Here is some reading about frostbite:
Thank you very much !!

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