Recent content by mlavigne78

  1. mlavigne78

    Dominique's in NC

    I was wondering if anyone in NC had any Dominique chickens for sell, or if anyone had some eggs they could ship? I have 19 chickens right now with my 4 Doms as my favorite. After reading a lot on the breed and watching my own I have become fascinated with the breed and want some quality ones...
  2. mlavigne78

    Rooster help

    I agree with what u say 100%. I just wasn't around when he flogged him. Did it really happen? I'm sure it did but I was just curious if they chose diff people. Any other rooster I've had like that didn't care who you were, they just jumped on you.
  3. mlavigne78

    Rooster help

    I have a 4 month old Dominique rooster. Right now I have him with 5 production red hens just because. He's always been a great rooster and nice as could be. This past week I went on vacation and had a buddy watch my chickens. When I got home I noticed their water was very low and I had 2 days of...
  4. mlavigne78

    How small should treat pieces be for 8 week old chicks?

    I have 5 week old chicks that love watermelon. All I do is cut it in half and throw it in with them. They just peck onto it. They dot at the rind on their own. Now by big chickens will eat it to the skin.
  5. mlavigne78

    Do I need a brooder or not?

    Just make sure your fencing is small enough they can't squeeze through. I have 5 coop/pens and have maybe $100 in all 5. All I use is old lumber I have around and any metal roofing I could get from others for free. The chicken wire / hardware cloth is the expense. But with the temps now ur good...
  6. mlavigne78

    Do I need a brooder or not?

    I live in nc. My chicks have been happy outside at 4 weeks. You should be fine without brooder. I have chickens from 3 years to 3 days old.
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