Recent content by mommybugv

  1. mommybugv

    Duck with impacted crop???

    I'm new to being a duck mommy, so I'm learning as I go. I did not know spinach was bad for them. I saw it on a list of foods that were ok for them to eat. Luckily this was the first time I had given it to them. Since they were inside and didn't get to forage outside I thought that I would give...
  2. mommybugv

    Duck with impacted crop???

    That's why I was so scared to even try inducing vomit. I don't think I will attempt it. She has been pooping...not a whole lot tho. The consistency is still pretty normal too. I've tried rubbing out her neck but she just won't let me. Is the a good way to do this? I've tried opening her beak and...
  3. mommybugv

    Duck with impacted crop???

    My girl is still not doing very well. She only drinks a little at a time and she still has not wanted to eat. I could not have been a bee sting because I had them inside (in my home) for a couple days while we were redoing their enclosure outside. Maybe a spider tho. I still feel that she has...
  4. mommybugv

    Duck with impacted crop???

    Hi there, I believe my 7 week old mallard may have and impacted crop or oesophogus. She's always been my very active, lively of the bunch. She's always eaten very good too. Yesterday after feeding them some spinach I noticed that she was acting a little off and acting Unusually quiet. Don't know...
  5. mommybugv

    Hatched egg shell

    Thank you...they seem to be doing great. The (3) of them have pipped and working their way out but the last one has no internal or external pip. It is still moving but weaker and weaker it sounds like his pecking is coming from the pointy part of the egg. Is there anything I can do to help it?
  6. mommybugv

    Hatched egg shell

    I have six duck eggs. Two hatched about six hours ago. Three have pipped...break in the shell seen from the outside. One still has veins but has not entered the air cell yet. The two that hatched both had a little bit of yellowish brown gel like liquid left at the bottom of their shell after...
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