Recent content by mong7769

  1. mong7769

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    NickeeChickee, I would suggest reading your revised code. Here in North Olmsted (west side) it specifically lists chickens and lumps them and sheep and cows in with dogs and cats saying that they 1) can't be in public spaces 2) can't roam unattended 3) can't be noisy or be a nuisance...
  2. mong7769

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    I can definitely attest to the fact that RI Reds are NOISY. My girls are always carrying on. But they are friendly and will eat out of my hand (or try to eat my hand as the case may be . . . )
  3. mong7769

    What are you canning now?

    Tonight will be pickles. Next week hopefully peaches and peach jam. Tomato plants aren't doing much this year so I'm hoping that once I have good compost next year from my ladies that things will be better . . . will have to buy tomatoes to can this year! Hoping to get beans from my good...
  4. mong7769

    Hello from NE Ohio.

    Welcome to BYC! I'm up near Cleveland . . .
  5. mong7769

    Suggestions for a fall garden

    In another couple of weeks, say the middle of august to the last week or so you can start planting the crops that like it cooler. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, some of that, especially if you are willing to do a little work with PVC and plastic and cover your garden area some. Also all of...
  6. mong7769

    anger management

    And more wine than chocolate for me too!
  7. mong7769

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    I just have to chime and and thank the OP for this thread. I have done this and now that I have finally gotten about half of my feather heads to roost this has made a HUGE difference. There is almost no smell and things are nice and clean. Now if I could just get them to stop dumping over the...
  8. mong7769


    Another thing that works well, again, except around the face, is baking soda, peroxide and dish soap. Make a paste with the baking soda/dish soap. Work that into the fir or onto your skin and then dump peroxide over the whole mess and let the acid/base reaction bubble all over and break up the...
  9. mong7769

    Wondering is this chicken 'Elenore' or 'Alvin'?

    Hi all. This is my first foray into the world of chickens. Got them 13 weeks ago from Meyer. They were supposed to be all hens but now I'm wondering what the BYC folk think of our 'Elenore'. She seems more like an 'Alvin' to me . . .
  10. mong7769

    Hello from Goshen, Ohio

    Welcome from North Olmsted, Ohio!
  11. mong7769

    What do you know about composting?!

    As for shavings not being good for veggies that is completely dependant on the type of tree. Shavings in general are not bad. However, things like black walnuts (which sadly I have a TON of) have a compound in their branches/roots/leaves/etc. called jugalone which will kill garden anuals...
  12. mong7769

    Any guesses to gender/breed? PICS

    First little one I'm going with EE and roo. His legs are MUCH larger than those on my pullets and he just carries himself different. The other bantams I don't have any idea . . .
  13. mong7769

    You Know Your Chicks Have Outgrown Their Brooder When.......;)

    I know the feeling. Sounds like I got mine about the same time you got yours! I'm in Ohio too. I wish it would just warm up because mine are doing some serious flapping and I'm petrified they are going to flap themselves up into the heat lamp!
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