Recent content by MoonBee

  1. M


    In my experience they like the sofa .... get some nappies!!!
  2. M


    Had a similar situation - one mourning hen who ended up on the sofa with me watching the news. Got her two companions who turned her into a deranged dictator but at least she wasn’t depressed anymore. Lasted 48 hours till some sort of peace was established . Hang In there !!
  3. M

    Super listless chicken! I dont want to lose her!

    Net Tex poultry drops perked my diarrhoea suffering and sleepy hen up ...
  4. M

    Newbie needs your help!!

    I’m a pretty new hen myself - just had 3 chicks and been annoying them by looking at their wing feathers to try and figure it out! have 2 silkie chicks and 1 Buff Orpington chick. I think first 2 are female because of the developed and in out flight feathers and one is male with only straight...
  5. M

    Newbie needs your help!!

    They are so gorgeous!
  6. M

    Hen family

    Recently got my 3 chickens ( were four But we were outfoxed) . Finally found my real family 😘
  7. M

    Help - Chicken acting sick

    Same issue and mine has diarrhoea and a runny nose. I gave her Net Tex poultrydrops for 3 days which perked her up for a few days but now she is back to the original state. Have started again on theNetTex. poo is bitty and liquidy. Any ideas?
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