Mountain Peeps
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  • Well she's a partridge rock from last easter. I find they don't lay very well :/ I really like our barred rocks and gold links though :)
    Go to the top right corner of the page where it shows your username. Scroll down and click "Edit My Signature". Put whatever you want in the box!
    Gracie does sound a lot like my Miss Molly. They really do show great affection, don't they!
    Yes, that is how one of my girls is too. She will beak any other bird that is in her spot on my lap. Nobody sits in Miss Molly's spot on the lap!! LOL
    Do your girls lap sit? My Black Australorps are HUGE on sitting on my lap. Can't sit anywhere without a bird begging to sit on my lap! So if your lap needs warming, get some Australorps! :)
    Yours is cute too! I don't have any Buff Orps, but they look so sweet!! She has an adorable expression on her face! :)
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