Recent content by mrsperryhens22

  1. mrsperryhens22

    I Let My Bantam Cochin Lay

    Lil' Momma managed to hatch 2 of the eggs live. It seems I may have one cockerel and one pullet. I bought her 3 day old pullets as well of another breed and she is raisinf them all quite well. So I nominate Cochins as good surrogate hatchers/mommies! These specifice chicks are Olive Easter...
  2. mrsperryhens22

    Bantam Cochin as Egg Hatcher

    LoL I feel a bit stupid! I soooo knew that! I checked the remaining eggs out and two more were tapping so looks like she did ok. 3 out of 6 ain't too bad!
  3. mrsperryhens22

    Bantam Cochin as Egg Hatcher

    I have Mom-brain today do you mean air cell?
  4. mrsperryhens22

    When will my chickens lay?

    Each hen will vary a bit in my experience, however squatting is a good sign that laying is Soon! You can also measure the width between the pelvic bones. 3 finger widths means they are physically able to lay an egg. Good body condition like shiny feahers and full waxy colored wattles and combs...
  5. mrsperryhens22

    Bantam Cochin as Egg Hatcher

    Bout 24hrs old. They are Olive Easter Egger eggs so candling at this point is proving difficult. I have a couple of eggs in the incubator as I wanted to help her hatch a couple to hopefully get her out of broodiness.
  6. mrsperryhens22

    Bantam Cochin as Egg Hatcher

    I have had a rather broody Bantam Cochin so this year I bought her some fertilized eggs. She has managed to hatch one and only abandoned the eggs 2x for rather short periods of time. We have some heat advisory level weather here so I am hoping maybe more will hatch. I have a few day old chicks...
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