When will my chickens lay?

I haven't been on here for a while!
My chickens are 19 weeks old, and I'm wondering when they'll lay, or what the usual is for the breeds I have. These are my breeds: Golden Sex Link, Barred Rock, Black Australorp, Easter Egger, White Silkie, Light Brahma, and Silver Laced Polish.
My guess is that either my GSL or BR will lay first, with my Australorp close behind. After that, I think my Easter Egger, and then I'm not sure.
The first three are really starting to get big, red combs and wattles and my GSL and BR started squatting just a few days ago.
How long after squatting do they start laying?
Thanks, and I'm hoping for that first egg soon!:fl
Each hen will vary a bit in my experience, however squatting is a good sign that laying is Soon! You can also measure the width between the pelvic bones. 3 finger widths means they are physically able to lay an egg. Good body condition like shiny feahers and full waxy colored wattles and combs are also good indicators.
Now to find the culprit...
I'm guessing it's my Barred Rock or Red Star, with a chance of my Australorp. Though I haven't seen her squat, so probably not.
Who do you think it is?

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